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One example of irony in To an Athlete Dying Young is the way death is viewed. Usually death is never viewed as a joyous or raptuous event, but here death is proven to be an advantage, as it helps the young athlete make his glory permanent.

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1mo ago

Some examples of tones in the poem "To An Athlete Dying Young" include nostalgia, reverence, and melancholy. The poet reflects on the athlete's success and fame, juxtaposed with their premature death, evoking a bittersweet tone throughout the poem.

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15y ago

Oedipus Rex is most probably the best answer.

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15y ago

Irony is when something happens that isn't expected.

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14y ago

A young athlete that dies young and the poet's views on legacy after death. The theme of "Art alone can transcend death" is also apparent.

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12y ago

"Eyes the shady night has shut" (13)--the night can't shut a person's eyes

"After the earth has stopped the ears" (16)--earth can't stop ears from listening

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Q: What are some examples of tone in the poem To An Athlete Dying Young?
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To an Athlete Dying Young analysis?

This person has a good handle on this poem.

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