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Based on official records, which have been kept since 1950 between Alabama has had 7 F5 or EF5 tornadoes. Iowa, Kansas, and Oklahoma trail close behind at 6.

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Based on records since 1950 the state with the most F5 tornadoes is Alabama with 7, closely followed by Oklahoma, Kansas, and Iowa which each have had 6.

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Q: Which state has the highest rate of F5 tornadoes?
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What is the highest category on the fajita scale which is uses to rate a tornadoes intensity?

F5. And its the Fujita scale, not fajita.

Do f6 tornadoes exist?

No. The highest rating a tornado can acheive is F5.

Which us state has the most F4 and F5 tornadoes?

Oklahoma has had the most F4 and F5 tornadoes. Though it is tied with Texas, Iowa, and Alabama in terms of F5 tornadoes in the past 60 years.

What state has the most tornado deaths?

It is difficult to determine, as there is no exact way of saying which tornadoes are the worst. Overall, Texas has the most tornadoes and the most tornado deaths. Kansas has the highest concentration of tornadoes. Oklahoma appears to lead in the number of violent (F4 and F5) tornadoes and is tied with Alabama in the number of F5 tornadoes. Mississipi has the highest number of tornado deaths per capita.

Why was the F5 tornado so famous?

There have been several dozen F5 tornadoes since record began in 1950. F5 the highest level on the Fujita scale which runs from F0 to F5 and rates tornadoes based on the severity of the damage they cause. A rating of F5 denotes an extremely violent tornado that rips houses clean of their foundations. F5 tornadoes are typically large and have been known to destroy entire towns. They are absolutely devastating. The majority of the most famous tornadoes were F5's, though a few F4 tornadoes have made it onto the list.

Is there any f5 or higher tornadoes?

There definitely are F5 tornadoes. The Fujita scale does have categories up to F12 but these are pretty must just theoretical. Since the scale rates tornadoes on damage an F5 damage is total destruction, it is unlikely that any tornado will ever be rated higher than F5. On the Enhanced Fujita scale the highest category is EF5 no question about it.

What percentage of tornadoes are F5 and F4?

A little more than 1% of tornadoes are rated F4 and F5 with F5 tornadoes being less than 0.1%

Where do F5 tornadoes hit the most?

Tornadoes hit most common in the Central United States, in a region known as tornado alley.

How do F5 tornadoes form from a F1 tornado?

Tornadoes fluctuate in intensity. An F5 tornado is only at F5 strength for part of the time it is on the ground.

Are tornadoes a serious threat to Ohio?

Yes. Although not as common as in Tornado Alley, tornadoes are fairly common in Ohio. The state has even seen several F5 tornadoes.

How many f-5 tornadoes were there in April and May in 2011?

There have been estimated at least 109 F5 tornadoes in the U.S. Since the introduction of the Enhanced Fujita scale there have been 9 EF5 tornadoes, which is essentially equivalent to an F5. Note that this number should be taken with a grain of salt as it can be difficult to distinguish between F4 and F5 damage, especially in records that must be evaluated based on historical accounts.

Is an F3 tornado the deadliest tornado?

No. While F3 tornadoes can be deadly they are not the deadliest. F5 tornadoes are the most destructive and generally the deadliest. The highest death toll from an F3 tornado in the U.S. since 1950 was 25, compared with nine F4 and F5 tornadoes with death tolls upwards of 50 of which three (all F5 or EF5) killed more than 100 apiece.