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1) The hawks that landed on B evolved more than A

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Given the increasing human impact on their habitats and the threat of climate change, the present-day condition of island hawk populations is likely to be at risk of decline. Loss of habitat, competition for resources, and changing environmental conditions may put these populations under stress and lead to a decline in their numbers. Conservation efforts will be crucial to protecting these species in the face of these challenges.

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Q: Which statement most accurately predicts the present-day condition of these island hawk populations?
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What is meant by the statement Populations evolve individuals don't?

This statement refers to the fact that evolution occurs at the level of populations over generations, with changes in allele frequencies leading to evolution. It emphasizes that individual organisms do not evolve within their lifetimes, as they do not change genetically, but rather it is the population as a whole that evolves.

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No, this statement is not true. The majority of the world's population actually lives in the Eastern Hemisphere, with countries like China and India having the highest populations. The Western Hemisphere encompasses the Americas and a smaller portion of the global population resides there.

What is the factual statement about place?

A factual statement about a place could be "Paris is the capital city of France."

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