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Q: Which step in cellular respirationhappens first?
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What the first step in cellular respiration is?

The first step to respiration is glycolysis.

The first step in cellular respiration is .?

The first step to respiration is glycolysis.

What is the first step to cellular respiration?


What step cellular respiration happens first?


What step in cellular respiration happen first?

glycolysi- APEX

Cellular respiration begins with?

Cellular respiration begins with glycolysis in the cytoplasm of the cell.

What is the first step of cellular respiration that takes place in the cytoplasm?

Glycolysis or "Splitting of sugar", has to happen in the cell's cytoplasm before cellular respiration can occur. I hope this helps!

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The first step of the process is the digestion.

How are glycolysis and cellular respiring related?

Glycolysis breaks down glucose to form the reactants of cellular respiration

What molecule does cellular respiration start with?

Glucose and oxygen begin the process of respiration.

What is the first step of respiration for all organisms?

Hippies ;)