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Q: Which stimulus would a flatworm be able to detect?
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Depends on the pool.

What is the sense organ for the stimulus movement?

movement isn't necessarily a stimulus. You can sense and detect deviations in your surroundings with at least 5 senses, taste, touch, smell, sight, and sound. You can either detect someone else's motion by seeing them, or you can detect motion around you with touch. For example, if you are completely submerged in water, you feel the water moving around you. If someone comes near to you, you are able to tell because they swish the water around and that deviates the pressure on your skin. so your skin can feel the motion around it.

Why can't your Nintendo DS detect your Nintendo Wi-Fi USB connector but it can detect your DS?

What can detect your DS? Please be more specific. From what I gather, your saying that the Nintendo WiFi USB Connector (WiFi USB) can dtect your DS but not your DS cannot detect 'it'. WiFI USB cannot detect Nintendo DS's unless it is connected to it. So, the Nintendo DS would have to be able to detect the Wifi USB for it to be able to detect the DS. ThE AvEnGeR

Which part of the body is least able to distinguish a one-point stimulus from a two-point stimulus?

Tonge or heart

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a mouth.... someone please delete this

Sentence with the word stimulus?

Stimuli is the plural of "stimulus," and would be defined as: something that affects another thing, or causes a reaction to that other "thing" An example of "stimuli" in a sentence would be: "The use of various stimuli in the experiment were observed to cause pain reactions in the test subjects."

How does weber's law work using the sense of hearing?

Weber's Law states that changes in a stimuli that are noticeable on a small scale are a constant ration of the original stimulus. Therefore, the law is often used in hearing studies to perceive the pitches and tones that the individual is able to hear. It measures what the ear is able to detect.

Selective attention refers to the fact that?

We are able to focus on one stimulus

How are you able to detect this HIV?

With an hiv test

Are there dwarf planets outside of your solar system?

In all likelihood yes. However, we would not be able to detect them with current technology.

Why does cutting a flatworm into pieces not kill it?

In gereral, the more poorly differentiated (the fewer complex structures that have specific functions) an organism is, the greater its ability to live and re-grow after being cut apart. Worms have this ability to re-grow in entirety, as do lower organisms like amoebas and fungi. In flatworms, their cells have the ability to differentiate into any type of tissue that the worm might need. These types of cells are called stem cells, and are the subject of ongoing research in medicine as to their applications in humans. There is a limit, however. a tiny slice of flatworm would not be able to develop into another worm.

What are her feelings for you?

If you are not able to detect that then she probably does not know you exist.