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Pumice stone floats on water.

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Q: Which stone never fell down in water but remain on the top of water?
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Which is the smallest particle into which water in a glass can be broken down and still remain water?

This is the molecule of water - H2O.

What breaks down earths surface?

Primarily the erosive power of wind and water. Rivers and rain will wear away even the hardest stone.

Is boiling water to make tea a chemical reaction or a reversible change?

Yes, because you can cool the water back and it would be normal water again

What happens to energy when moving from a gas to a liquid?

i guess the water kind of settles down. when water molecules are hot they tend to move around more, then when the temp. drops the energy level ( molecule movement) slows down... if you freeze water then the molecules start to stop moving and die... meanwhile they were never living. :)

Why we should never handle electrical appliances with wet hands?

Because water is a conductor, and water dripping from your hands may drip down to an energized circuit, and effectively create a trail from that circuit to your hands, causing you to get electrocuted.

Related questions

When a stone is dropped in water why air bubbles are released?

The stone will drag air down with it as it enters the water.

Is stone lighter than water?

no as it normally sinks down when put in water

Which is the smallest particle into which water in a glass can be broken down and still remain water?

This is the molecule of water - H2O.

Where to get the dusk stone in black?

it did no exist the fb trakd it down and then dey were fired it never happened

Is stone cold coming back?

i don't think stone cold Steve Austin is never returning because he is a hall of famer of 2009.and it time for him to settle down.

Why does stone sink?

Because they are heavier than water. A stone has more mass per unit volume than water (ie. it is heavier). So the Earth's gravity acts on it more strongly than it does on the water. So the stone is pulled closer to the Earth than the water, moving all the water atoms out of the way on it's way down. We see this as the stone sinking.

Why does a stone feel lighter when it was under water?

because the upthrust force of the water acting on the stone was pushing the stone upwards meaning it was acting against the downwards weight of the stone (its weight). This meant that the downwards force was decreased and therefore felt lighter :)

Where do you find the fire stone in Pokemon diamond?

go to the salaceon ruins and go down or up the wronge stairs and there wil be a rock go to the front and press A and there will be a thunder stone or a fire stone OR a water stone

Where is a water stone on daimond?

there's a ton of them in the underground mines. i have like 15 of them from digging down there

Why a ship never go down and when a peso is thrown it will sink?

water displacement

What goes up and down up and down but never touches the sky or ground?

A water pump

How is water important forming many sedimentary rocks?

Water pushes down on the layers of sand and stone. Over time, the water evaporates the leaves the sedimentary rock to dry.