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The cochlea has tiny hairs. These are held by the Organ of Corti. The tectorial membrane moves over the hair when sound waves move it. The hairs are stimulated. This structure is really the organ for hearing.

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Tiny hairs on the inside are connected to nerves. Sounds move the hairs, witch then send signals along nerves to the brain figures out the signals and you hear a/the sound.

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Q: How does your brain use tiny hairs to interpret signals as sound?
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Why can your ear hear sound?

Because my eardrums are sensitive to the oscillations in the molecules in the air and pass on the vibrations to the inner ear where tiny hairs in fluid, attached to nerves, convert the vibrations into electrical signals which my brain can then interpret as sound.

How does a person hears?

Loosely: Sound waves are compressed in the ear canal, it makes the three ear bones vibrate and hit the ear drum. The cochlea, a snail shaped cavity filled with sensitive hairs translates the sound into electrical signals and is sent to the brain to interpret.

Sound is a from of?

Waves and vibrations in the air, Picked up by little hairs in your ears that vibrate and reproduce the sound into a form your brain can interpret. (very short and bare bones answer but that is jist of it)

Does sound go through your ears?

Yes, sound is recognized by the brain through your ears. When you hear a sound, it enters the ear canal to the eardrum. The eardrum causes small bones to vibrate, which causes tiny hairs to send signals to the brain.

What happens to an ear when sound waves travel through it?

Sound travels into the ear where it goes into the ear drum which looks similar to a snail shell which has many many tiny hairs attached to it. When the sound waves hit the hairs, the hairs begin to vibrate according to the frequency of the sound waves. Certain hairs register certain frequencies and sends signals to the brain which registers those vibrations as sound.

How does the cochlea detect sound signals?

the cells of the hairs don't detect the sound waves at all. The full hair is vibrated by the sound waves and this vibration is picked up by nerves and the info is sent to the brain.

Tiny hairs located in what conduct sound to the brain?

Tiny hairs in your ear conduct vibration and convey that to your brain

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What part of the brain are used for the ears?

The temporal lobe of the brain is where interpret sound.

What does the brain interpret stimuli from the hair cells in the cochlea as?


After your ears convert sound waves into electrical signals where are the signals sent for interpretation?

The brain

What is relation between listening and hearing?

Hearing is the physical act of sound waves entering the ear, while listening involves paying attention and interpreting the sounds that are heard. Listening requires mental processing and understanding, whereas hearing is simply the reception of sound.