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Q: Which structure spreads electric impulses from the interventricular septum to the Purkinje fibers in the ventricular wall?
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What cardiac arrhythmia is fatal unless reversed?

Cardiac arrhythmia is usually fatal unless reversed by electric defibrillation. Cardiac arrhythmia is also sometimes referred to as ventricular fibrillation.

What is AV nobes?

I think you mean 'AV Node'. If so, then it is part of the hearts pace maker called the Atrio-ventricular node. It emits an electric pulse across the ventricles to make them contract (ventricular systole). This pulse would have come from the SA (Sino-atrial) node, which would have made the atria contract before the electric pulse reached the AV node.

How is electrification related to atomic structure?

Electricitrification is the term for using or switching to electric power. This relates to atomic structure because electric power depends on the flow of atoms with an electric charge, usually a negative electric charge, meaning they have an uneven amount of electrons and protons.

What is the fee structure for undergraduate prograame in pieas?

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Is atrial fibrillation worse that ventricular fibrillation?

No, ventricular fibrillation is worse than atrial fibrillation. This is because the ventricle is the chamber responsible for the main force pumping the blood out of the heart. If this contraction is not coordinated (like when fibrillation occurs), then the heart will not be able to function and consciousness will be lost within a few seconds. Ventricular fibrillation may result from electric shock, major myocardial infarct or some anaesthetic drugs. Resuscitation is usually possible by applying an electric shock (defibrillation) - which causes all cells to enter the refractory period and gives the sinoatrial node a chance to resume its normal pacemaker activity.

What does an AED do for a cardiac arrest victim?

An AED, or Automated External Defibrillator, is used in an attempt to shock a person's heart--who is either in ventricular tachycardia (V-tach) or ventricular fibrillation (V-fib)--into a effective heart rhythm that will cause the heart of pump blood.

What is a ventricular tachycardia?

Ventricular tachycardia-- A rapid heart beat, usually over 100 beats per minute.

Electrons and protons differ in their?

Mass, electric charge, and internal structure.

How the structure of aluminium affect its properties?

well because of the free electrons in the structure of aluminium it is able to allow the passage of electron from electric current due to disassociated electrons in its structure basically because of the metallic bonding and the free electrons present it can conduct electricity and heat.

What is a mix and match structure?

stuff like football helmets, hydro-electric dams, airplanes, domed buildings, warehouses, ect.

Does the earth's magnetic field give information on the earth's interior composition?

The earth has electric currents in its structure, that create magnetic fields.

What occurs in a ventricular fibrillation?

Ventricular Fibrillation or V-Fib is a type of arrhythmia of the ventricles (lower chambers) of the heart. The chambers flutter uselessly instead of in a coordinated way. It is a medical emergency as the cardiac output of the heart (amount of blood pumped per minute) falls to a level that is unable to sustain adequate tissue metabolic demands on onset of V-Fib due to the uncoordinated contraction of heart muscle cells. Ventricular fibrillation is one of the few shockable arrythmias, with the aim of a defibrillator being to deliver an electric shock in order to depolarise all the heart muscle simulataneously, in the hopes of a coordinated electrical signal originating from the sinus node.