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gonadotrophins, glucocorticoidsand growth hormones

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Q: Which structures secrete hormones that regulate the development of secondary sex characteristics?
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What is the hormones is responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics of females?

estrogen= female testosterome=male

What is the hormone responsible for the development and maintenance of female secondary sexual characteristics is?

The main androgen is Testosterone with increasing levels that begins Puberty and the Secondary Sexual Characteristics in males. Testosterone is produced in the testes. It encourages growth and maturation. Also important to mention is the Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) which enhances spermatogenesis. And, Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which similarly to testosterone, is a male reproductive hormone that helps the external genitalia to grow and become fertile.

What does gland do?

Well the penis creates hormone in men which activates there male secondary sex characteristics which makes their penis bigger,scrotum,testicles, and their beards etc. For the women they create two hormones estrogen and progesterone, estrogen activates the women secondary sex characteristics such as the enlarging of the breast,the widening of the hips and vagina, their menstration(period) begins etc.And progesterone is used to maintain the lining of the uteres

What does reproductive glands do?

Well the penis creates hormone in men which activates there male secondary sex characteristics which makes their penis bigger,scrotum,testicles, and their beards etc. For the women they create two hormones estrogen and progesterone, estrogen activates the women secondary sex characteristics such as the enlarging of the breast,the widening of the hips and vagina, their menstration(period) begins etc.And progesterone is used to maintain the lining of the uteres

Which structures in the human body are directly affected by the hormones involved with the menstrual cycle?

3. G and I

Related questions

What is the hormones is responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics of females?

estrogen= female testosterome=male

Which structures secrete hormones that regulate the development of secondary sex characterics?

In female it is ovaries. In male it is testis.

What is the Ultimate control of testes development?

The ultimate control of testes development lies in the genetic factors that determine the development and differentiation of male-specific structures. The presence of the Y chromosome, which carries the SRY gene, triggers the development of testes in embryos. These testes then produce hormones, such as testosterone, which further shape the development of male reproductive organs and secondary sexual characteristics.

What hormones drives development of secondary sexual characteristics?

In boys, it is primarily testosterone, in girls it is a mainly a combination of progesterone and estrogen.

What structure releases hormones that regulate secondary sex characteristics?

gonadotrophins, glucocorticoidsand growth hormones

What are the functions of estrogen?

Any of several steroid hormones produced chiefly by the ovaries and responsible for promoting estrus and the development and maintenance of female secondary sex characteristics.

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What structures produce hormones?

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What hormones is responsible for both primary and secondary sex characteristics in males?


What is the main function of sex hormone?

The sex hormones control the development of primary and secondary sexual characteristics. They regulate the sex-related functions of the body, such as the menstrual cycle or the production of eggs or sperm.

What controlled human growth and sexual development?

Human growth and sexual development are primarily controlled by the endocrine system, specifically by hormones such as growth hormone, testosterone, and estrogen. These hormones regulate processes like cell division, tissue growth, and the development of secondary sexual characteristics. Genes also play a significant role in determining the timing and rate of growth and development.

Does synthroid affect breast growth?

No. Thyroid replacement medications are not known to affect normal breast development. (Secondary sex characteristics are influenced by the sex hormones, not the thyroid hormones.) Hope this answer is helpful, and reassuring, if you or a friend or family member are concerned about this issue.