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Q: Which subprogram do you use to display the source code of a stored procedure when using dbms debug?
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Difference between a local procedure and stored procedure?

local procedure wont store in database. Stored procedure store in database permanently and we can use it whenever we require. Other program also can use this stored procedure. And the transaction of stored procedure take care by DBA. But the local procedure transaction is take care by manually only

Can You Write Trigger in Stored Procedures?

A trigger is a stored procedure. It is a special stored procedure that runs in response to some defined event, such as an insert into a table.

What is the meaning of the term stored procedure?

A stored procedure is considered a subroutine, which is considered to be only available to the applications with access to a relational database system.

Is it possible to call a stored procedure from java script function and populate an aspnet dropdown list HTML control using the value returned by the SP?

No, a stored procedure can not be called from Javascript. A dropdown list however can be populated using a stored procedure.

Why does the date display as a number in the Display Formulas sheet in Excel?

Dates are actually stored as numbers in Excel, so you are seeing exactly how it is stored, rather than how it looks with its formatting applied.

How is energy source stored?

The answer depends on the source. Wood is stored in stacks. Coal is stored in piles or bins. Oil and gas is stored in tanks. Electricity is stored in batteries or capacitors. Water power, solar power and wind power can not be stored in any simple way if at all.

How do you find a pictures HTML?

Using HTML to display images you use the tag. To display an image on a page, you need to use the (source attribute) src= The value of the src attribute is the URL of the image (skull) you want to display on your page which means that the image you want to display must be uploaded to a server, and have a web address (URL). The URL for the image points to the location where the image is stored on the server. It should look like this: Broken down it means < img source = "the address (URL) of the image is located / (for the name of the image) Youri_picture.jpg">

How you make a HTML code of your photo?

Using HTML to display images you use the tag. To display an image on a page, you need to use the (source attribute) src= The value of the src attribute is the URL of the image you want to display on your page which means that the image you want to display must be uploaded to a server, and have a web address (URL). The URL for the image points to the location where the image is stored (the server)It should look like this: Broken down it means < img source = the address (URL) of the image location/ (for the name of the image) yourimage.jpg>

What are stored procedures in data bases?

Stored procedure is the pl-sql block in precomplile from and can be used to excecute plsql statement

You created a stored procedure in sql server 2005 database and you called through aspnet page with connection then you are getting error as - Could not find stored procedure 'GetLoginInfo' solve pls?

The connections bruk.

Where is the original source of energy stored?


What is the examples of Stored procedure?

sp_helpdb , sp_who2, sp_renamedb are a set of system defined stored procedures. We can also have user defined stored procedures which can be called in similar way.