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Q: Which substance can heat travel through convection?
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Does heat energy travel through by space by convection?


Can heat energy travel through space by convection?

Yes it can

Which type of heat transfer can only travel through fluids?


What is it called when Heat energy moves through a liquid?

You are probably thinking of convection, which is transfer of heat by currents set up by variations in density of the liquid.

Can heat travel by convection through a vacuum?

No. Convection requires a carrier to convey the heat. Vacuum says there is nothing to do the conveying. Radiation does not need a convector, so heat can travel by radiation through a vacuum, like the radiation from the sun.

Does heat travel through a liquid by conduction?

Yes, but more travels through liquids by convection.

What heat transfer can travel through a fluid?

Heat can transfer through a fluid by conduction and/or convection (with convection being the most efficient). If the fluid is a gas then heat can also transfer through it by radiation (but this does not work in liquid fluids).

Heat can be moved through liquid and gas by what?

Heat can travel by conduction, convection and radiation in liquids and gases.

Can heat travel by conduction through a gas?

No, it travels by convection. Heat rises in the air and then the cool air is drawn in by the heat.

Why can heat travel through space by radiation but not by conduction or convection?

Because conduction and convection require particles to transfer heat. Space is a vacuum (has no particles in it) so convection and conduction cannot occur.

Heat energy travels through gases by convection?

Yes heat can travel through gas by way of ignition

Convection is the transfer of heat through what?

Convection is "the transfer of heat through the motion of molecules in a fluid."