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Q: Which substance is a yellow-orange pigment that absorbs blue-green light?
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A substance that absorbs light?

Pigment :|]

Which substance in a chloroplast is a green pigment that absorbs energy for photosynthesis?

The green pigment is called "chlorophyll".

What substance is a green pigment in chloroplasts that absorbs energy for photo system?

They are the chlorophyll. They are the main photosynthetic pigment

Which substance in chloroplasts is a green pigment hat absorbs energy for photo-systems?


Which substance is a green pigment in chloroplasts that absorbs energy for photostems?

They are the chlorophyll. The major photosynthesis pigment

Colored substance that absorbs or reflects light?

Pigments absorb certain colors of light, and reflect others. For example, chlorophyll is the pigment in plants which absorbs red and violet light, and relects green. This is why many plants appear green.

Which term describes substances that absorb some wavelengths of light?

Pigment is a substance that absorbs some wavelengths of lights and reflects other, giving something its color. Chlorophyll is the green substance that absorbs light and provide energy for photosynthesis.

The substance in a leaf that absorbs sunlight is called?

The substance in a leaf that absorbs sunlight is the chloroplast.Chloroplast is an organelle(a specialised structure within the cell, that performs a specific function) which contains the green pigment called chlorophyll.Large, broad leaves

During photosynthesis what green substance absorbes energy from the sun?

The green substance is called chlorophyll. It is a pigment found inside organelles called chloroplasts.

Which pigment absorbs red and far red light in plants?

chlorophyll pigment consists of antenna and reaction centres to absorb light energy.there are two regions in this pigment that is-pigment system I which absorbs far red light at 700nm and another is pigment system II which absorbs red light at 680nm.

What is the pigment that absorbs sunlight?


What pigment absorbs light energy when photosynthese begins?

The green pigment in the leave