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Q: Which suffix vert fits 'one who is sometimes introspective and sometimes gregarious'?
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What word fits this definition looking inward?

Introspective means looking inward.

Which suffix ism fits for driving out an evil spirit?


Which suffix ism fits 'being obsessive or fanatical about something'?

try either extremism or fanaticism

What fits with an enzyme to make a reaction occur?

The substrate fits into the enzyme, much the way a key fits in a lock. Sometimes there are other "modulators" that also fit in the enzyme.

What does the idiom in fits and starts mean?

It's not an idiom, you just have to know the definitions of the words. Fits: bursts of frenzied activity Starts: beginnings It means that whatever it was went along in bursts of energy sometimes and sometimes stopped and started over.

Where can you find a replacement f8ce-ae car part for a 1998 Mercury Tracer?

There is no way to tell what tht art is based on the part number you gave. It is only a partial part number. That is the prefix and suffix, which only says what kind of car it fits and other stuff like if it's left hand or right hand, stuff like that. The base part number, which is a 5 or 6 digit number and sometimes has a letter in it, sometimes found in between the prefix and suffix, sometimes it is off to the side, is what is needed to tell what kind part is. Maybe you could just tell us what the part looks like and where it is on the car?

Which of the words below is an abstract noun that was made by adding a noun forming suffix to the root fair which means equal?

The word that fits this description is fairness.

What single page in length are an inexpensive means of reaching the community.?

Sometimes the word 'flier' fits this.

What is a word that has a prefix that means 'opposite' and a suffex that means 'something already happened'?

The word "unread" fits this description, as "un-" is a prefix that means 'opposite' and "-read" is a suffix indicating that the action has already happened.

What is the shift lock release on the Hyundai Sonata for?

if you can't shift out of park or sometimes when the key can't be removed sometimes it helps to remove the cap of the shift lock release and press the button with a key, pen, or whatever fits in there to depress it.

Do deer have a nest?

they sometimes build an under ground hole that fits most of there family or they have a little burrow. i would know this because me and my dad go hunting a lot

When was FITS created?

FITS was created in 1981.