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Q: Which superbug is more difficult to get rid of?
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Why is a superbug called a superbug?

It is highly resistant to multiple antibiotics and , therefore, very difficult to treat.

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What can a superbug do?

The term superbug is used to refer to pathogens that are resistant to some or all of the antibiotics with which that species of pathogen is normally treated. So, a superbug does the same thing that a garden variety bug does, but it also resists antibiotics.

Why is controlling superbug important?

coz it is

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Why is it more difficult to get rid of malaria or Lyme disease instead of cholera?

chorrelia does not invade cells

What is superbug how does it effect the people?

skin damage

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What is Flash Eating Superbug?

Flash Eating Superbug is a new kind of bug which was recently detected in the UK. This suppose to be the mutant of another deadly bug which is commonly found in British Hospitals.

What is superbug?

a superbug is a micro-organism that is resistant to most anti-biotics. the superbugs in recent history are imune to all anti-biotics,except one. it is the gene of the3 superbug that is resistant to the antibiotics. a tiny change in one gene or a mutation can turn a bacterial cell into a superbug. one single superbug on its own will not do much damage but if it reproduces rapidly then it could produce a large population of bacteria which are all resistant to antibiotics. superbugs can have an increased risk of being resistant to antibiotics when: A) people take antibiotics they do not really need B) people do not finish their full course of antibiotics

Why is it so difficult to get rid of?

Because "it" is always on your mind!

Why it is more difficult to get rid of the mosquito when it is a pest as compared to butterfly?

Mosquitos feed on blood - as part of their life-cycle. Butterflies feed on nectar from flowers.