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Supplements recommended for anemia are based on the cause. Recommending supplementation without knowledge of the underlying cause may be dangerous in some cases. For instance, a patient with B12 deficiency will not recover if given iron.

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Q: Which supplements would most likely be recommended for someone suffering from anemia?
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What is the anemia and its precautions?

Anemia is when someone has a low number of red blood cells. Precautions for someone with Anemia would be to keep up with doctor visits, blood work, recommended diet, and medications.

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Not unless the anemia is so severe that the animal is suffering from hypoxia.

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Anemia is caused by a lack of iron in a person's bloodstream. Eating red meat or taking iron supplements can cure anemia.

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It is estimated that globally around 15-30% of the population has folic acid deficiency anemia, with higher rates in certain regions or specific populations. Regular intake of folic acid-rich foods and/or supplements can help prevent this condition. Early detection and treatment are crucial to avoid complications.

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Anemia is a conditon that occurs when your body is suffering from iron deficiency. You should ask your doctor for ideas on a diet that will improve your condition. I found that the Livestrong site offers diet information for those suffering from Anemia.

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How is anemic treated?

Usually depends on the type of anemia. If its due to menstrual bleeding then the treatment is iron supplements.

If no cause of anemia is found can you stay on iron supplements?

Yes actually because Iron can also deplete in the body daily so its not bad to replenish them everyday using supplements.