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The normal chemical symbol is used for the isotope with the addition of the atomic number (Z) at the lower left of the symbol and the Atomic Mass number (A) at the upper left as shown X.
For example Li and Li represent two isotopes of lithium.

Since all lithium isotopes have an atomic number Z=3, this number is usually omitted and the isotopes are represented by the symbols Li and Li. These are sometimes written as Lithium-6 and Lithium-7 or Li-6 and Li-7.

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14y ago
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2d ago

Isotopes of the same element would have the same atomic number but different atomic mass numbers. An example is carbon-12 and carbon-14 (written as 12C and 14C).

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15y ago

carbon is C-12, an isotope of carbon would be something like C-15

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7y ago

The chemical symbol of the isotopes for the same element is identical; but the number of neutrons and the atomic weight are different.

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7y ago

The number of neutrons is different for each isotope.

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10y ago

0-16 and 0-18

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Q: Which symbols represent atoms of the same element that are istopes?
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Why is it useful to have symbols for atoms of different element?

Having symbols for atoms of different elements allows for a simple and concise way to represent elements in chemical formulas and equations. It helps to distinguish between different elements and enables chemists to communicate effectively about the composition and reactions of chemicals.

Why do scientists use symbols to represent atoms?

Scientists use symbols to represent atoms because it's a more efficient and universal way to communicate chemical information. Each element is represented by a unique symbol, typically one or two letters derived from the element's name in Latin or another language. This system allows for quick and clear representation of the composition of a molecule or compound.

What are isotopes easy definition?

Isotopes are atoms of the same element that have the same number of protons and electrons, but different numbers of neutrons. This results in isotopes having the same chemical properties but different atomic masses.

How do scientists represent atoms in the science?

Scientists represent atoms using atomic symbols, which consist of a chemical abbreviation of the element. They also use structural diagrams such as Lewis dot structures or ball-and-stick models to illustrate the arrangement of atoms within a molecule. Additionally, scientists use numerical values such as atomic mass and atomic number to convey important information about atoms.

What do chemists use to represent elements and compounds?

Chemists use chemical symbols to represent elements, which are one or two-letter abbreviations for elements (e.g. H for hydrogen, O for oxygen). Compounds are represented using chemical formulas, which show the types and numbers of atoms of each element present in the compound (e.g. H2O for water).

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What are isotopes easy definition?

Isotopes are atoms of the same element that have the same number of protons and electrons, but different numbers of neutrons. This results in isotopes having the same chemical properties but different atomic masses.

How does the chemical formula of a compound relate to the relative number of atoms in the compound?

The chemical formula of a compound provides information about the elements present in the compound and the ratio in which they are combined. The subscripts in the chemical formula indicate the relative number of atoms of each element in a compound.

Why is it useful to have symbols for atoms of different element?

Having symbols for atoms of different elements allows for a simple and concise way to represent elements in chemical formulas and equations. It helps to distinguish between different elements and enables chemists to communicate effectively about the composition and reactions of chemicals.

What are Atoms of the same substance that have different number of neutrons?


What do atoms represent?

to what number the element can count to

What do chemist use to stand for atoms or elements?

Atomic symbols are used to represent elements, a negative (-) and a psoitive (+) represent electrons and protons, respectively. Chemicals or other compounds are often written as a combination of atomic symbols with subscripts to indicate the presence of multiple atoms.

Are all atoms of the same element chemically alike?

Not 100%; Istopes of an element do have identical electronic structures but there are slight differences in mass: 'Molecules with different isotopes of a particular element have different bonding characteristics: the bonds between the atoms are just a bit different because the atoms have different masses. As a result, the molecules with different isotopes behave a little bit different during chemical reactions.' See related link

What do the periodic table symbols mean?

A typical periodic table has the element symbol e.g. C for carbon, W for tungsten, Pb for lead etc and often has the atomic number of the element (atomic number is the number of protons in the nucleus and therefore the number of electrons in a (neutral) metal atom.

Are atoms in a chemical change irregular?

No, the atoms in a chemical change are normal atoms of the element they represent. The atoms in the reactants are exactly the same atoms in the products, just arranged in a different way.

Why do scientists use symbols to represent atoms?

Scientists use symbols to represent atoms because it's a more efficient and universal way to communicate chemical information. Each element is represented by a unique symbol, typically one or two letters derived from the element's name in Latin or another language. This system allows for quick and clear representation of the composition of a molecule or compound.

What type of number after a chemical symbols tells how many atoms of that element are in single molecules?

That would be subscript.