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Q: Which system of government rests furthest left on the political spectrum and as a totalitarian regime focuses on the government owning all aspects of the economy including property and the means of pr?
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Which political division extends furthest south?

Ontario in think..

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The furthest point on Earth from an ocean is located in north central China, in the area of china between Mongolia and Kazakhstan. Furthest country in the world from any sea or ocean is Kyrgyzstan.

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Norway extends furthest north, reaching up to the Svalbard archipelago near the North Pole.

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Aberdeen is furthest north.

What is the furthest planet in your galaxy?

Neptune is the furthest official planet, however chronos is the furthest discovered dwarf planet.

What are the last 4 planets in the solar system called?

The four furthest planets from the sun are the gas giants; Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune (being the furthest planet out). There are some dwarf planets beyond Neptune though, including Makemake, Sedna and Pluto.

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Voyager 1 is the furthest and Voyager 2 is the second furthest

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The town of Toddington in Bedfordshire is the furthest inland and hence the furthest away from the sea.

Neptune its position from the sun?

Neptune is the eighth planet from the sun; the furthest in our galaxy excluding Pluto, the second-furthest including it. Neptune is about 2,794 million miles (4,496.6 million kilometres) away from the sun. The planet immediately closer to the sun than Neptune is Uranus.

Which football team is the furthest west?

Plymouth Argyle's Home Park is the furthest west in the football league. It is also the furthest south.

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the furthest river north is kawarau