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Antler Orogeny

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Q: Which tectonic event was probably caused by a small microcontinent or island arc that collided with present-day western North America?
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Which Plates collided to form the Alps Mountain Range?

the African and European tectonic plates that collided

What is a subducation zone?

A subduction zone is a place that occurs between two tectonic plates. It is the site where these tectonic plates have collided.

How was the Canadian shield landform created?

it was created when two tectonic plates collided.....

When and how was south Asia formed?

thousands of years ago and tectonic plates collided

Where on earth do you see evidence that tectonic plates have collided in the past?

south america and africa .

What is the history of the Swiss alps?

well.... tectonic plates collided together forming them. What do you mean history?

How does plates affect the surface of the surface?

when tectonic plate collides with other tectonic plates or moves into another tectonic plate it affects surface in a way to create mountains. Like Himalayas are created when the indian tectonic plate collided with asian tectonic plate.

How did the mountains in India form?

The tectonic plate that holds India collided into another tectonic plate which caused the ground to gradually move upwards causing mountains.

How did the tectonic activity form southeast Asia?

The Eurasian, Philippine and Indo-Australian plates collided to form the region.

What kind of earthquake was the kashmir earthquake?

The Eurasian and the Indian tectonic plates had collided, which means that it was the Passive Earthquake also known as the Conservative.

How was Japan's flood caused?

Two tectonic plates collided together and then one was forced up creating a massive wave of destruction.

How did the himalaya mountain range form?

The Himalayas are young fold mountains. The range was formed when the Indio-australian tectonic plane collided with the Euro-asian tectonic plane. The where we find the Himalayas today was previously filled with sediments, which was carried by the rivers of the Euro-asian plane. When the two previously mentioned plane collided this sediment folded to form the Himalayan range.