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Q: Which teeth in humans used to crack the nuts?
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Which early hominid was nicknamed nutcracker?

1,75 million years old homonid Australopithcus boisei who had , and used massive teeth to crack nuts and berries.

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What are two ways rocks were used by early humans and ancient civilizations?

It was used for hammers and to make bu;ding the ones we are in now.

What the teeth do?

Basically, in humans, teeth are used to tear and chew our food, so we can safely swallow it without choking.

What are insicor teeth used for?

Originally they were used to grip food with your mouth, but in humans they are just used to chew.

What do your teeth do?

The teeth tear, chew, and grind food so that digestive fluids can combine with it. Teeth are also used for other purposes, including biting fingernails, opening packaging material, and cracking open pistachio nuts.

Name a mammal other than humans that used a computer?

Humans are the only mammals to use computers. However, many primates and some other animals are capable of using tools. For example, chimpanzees know how to crack open nuts with stones.

What do you do with Brazil nuts?

You eat them, but not too many because they contain high levels of fat, some phytic acid and trace amounts of radium. The nuts are extremely difficult to open by hand: a nutcracker or a heavy object can be used to crack them.

Why do animals grow teeth?

For the same reason as humans. Teeth are essential for the mastication (chewing) stage of digestion. Teeth can also be used as a defence mechanism for many animals.

What are early 19th century artificial teeth made from?

They were usually made from porcelain, but lots of people also used animal teeth and other dead humans' teeth too! Happy learning! :)

What does human canine teeth do?

Our canine teeth are used for tearing and biting the food. They are very strong and they are either side of our front four teeth. They are used for breaking food down into smaller pierces, it is will be easilier to be digested.

Incisors are used for?

They are narrow edged teeth at the front of the mouth adapted for cutting. In humans there are four in each jaw