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Q: Which term applies to a period in evolutionary history when a species show little or no change?
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What is the term for an evolutionary change in one species that result in the evolutionary change of another species?

This phenomenon is known as coevolution, where changes in one species can drive changes in another species as they interact and exert selective pressures on each other over time.

Living things have a long history of change?

evolutionary change.

The current classification system would be most likely to change if?

new scientific evidence emerges that challenges the existing system or if there is a widespread consensus among experts in the field that a change is needed to better reflect the relationships between organisms.

What is Phyletic change?

Evolutionary change is a process where things change over a period of time. Such as going from a candle, to a light bulb.

What is the punctuated equilibrium hypothesis about?

The punctuated equilibrium hypothesis is a theory that most species have little evolutionary change throughout their geological history. They will remain in a state of stasis.

What is the study of how species change over time?

Evolutionary science/biology.

What biologist attempts to gain insight into the natural history of animals plants and microorganisms using the concept that species change over time?

the correct answer is Evolutionary or A.... for Plato Biology course

Limited resources contribute to evolutionary change in animals by increasing?

Competition between members of the species.

Current details about the evolutionary process?

Scientists currently think that the evolutionary process is ongoing. Species that cannot adapt do not survive; those that can change and evolve are more successful.

What is difference between systematics & taxonomy?

Systematics: 1. Does not change with change in theory. 2. It deals with classification and evolutionary history. It remains same with time . Taxonomy: 1. It changes with change in theory. It deals with classification of oraganisms only,yet not evolutionary history. It doesn't remain same with time.

What is Evolutionary?

Evolution is the biological model for the history of life on Earth.

Several factors acting over time to make a new species is called?

Evolutionary tree showing the divergence of modern species from their .... Other naturalists of this time speculated on evolutionary change of species over time according to ... and accumulating over many generations to produce new species. .... make up the structure and behaviour of an organism is called its phenotype.from wikipedia