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Q: Which term describes as non-coding part of DNA that mau be a fragmented or nonfunctional gene?
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What is the noncoding segement of a gene are cut out of an mRNA transcript?

The noncoding segments of a gene that are removed from an mRNA transcript during post-transcriptional processing are called introns. The remaining coding segments of the mRNA transcript, called exons, are then spliced together to form the mature mRNA that will be translated into a protein.

What is the noncoding segment of a gene?

There are many different parts of the gene that are noncoding. some main ones are introns, which just pretty much fill up DNA space, and gene expression regulators, which regulate the expression of genes. (operators, promoters, etc.)

What is the genetic aspect of Krabbe disease?

Affected individuals have two nonfunctional copies of the GALC gene. Parents of an affected child are healthy carriers and therefore have one normal GALC gene and one nonfunctional GALC gene

Point mutations occur when?

Point mutations occur when a single nitrogen base in the DNA sequence is substituted, inserted, or deleted, leading to a change in the genetic code. These mutations can result in altered protein structure and function, potentially causing genetic disorders or diseases.

What the noncoding segment of a gene are cut out of an mRNA transcript while what are spliced?

Plato users, C. Introns, exons

What is the part of a strand of DNA with regulatory sequences?

Noncoding gene sequences control gene expression. You may also be thinking of what is called "junk DNA" which is not junk. We just do not know what all of it codes for.

What happens if DNA pol 1 is nonfunctional in the replicated genome?

Nothing gets added on to the DNA. Pol I is suppose to repair damaged sequences , so if it is nonfunctional, the damage sequences remain causing a mutated gene sequence.

What kinds of genetic testing exist?

Direct DNA sequencing examines the direct base pair sequence of a gene for specific gene mutations. Some genes contain more than 100,000 bases and a mutation of any one base can make the gene nonfunctional.

Which of the statements best describes the promoter of a protein-coding gene?

The promoter is a nontranscribed region of a gene.

What scientific term describes a change in a gene?

A mutation

What is an example of how an enzyme can lead to changes in gene expression and phenotype?

One example is the enzyme histone deacetylase which removes acetyl groups from histone proteins, leading to a condensed chromatin structure that restricts access to DNA. This can result in decreased gene expression of certain genes, affecting the phenotype of the organism.

Which of the following statements best describes the promoter of a protein coding gene?

The promoter is a nontranscribed region of a gene.