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Specific impulse :)

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thank you
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spessiphic empols
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Michael Martin

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2y ago
Correct answer :DD
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3d ago

Specific impulse is the term that describes the amount of thrust created per unit of mass of an engine and fuel. It is a measure of efficiency for rocket engines and is usually measured in seconds.

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3y ago

specific impulse

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Q: Which term describes the amount of thrust created per unit of mass of an engine and fuel?
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Which term describes the amount of the thrust created per unit of mass of an engine and fuel?

Specific impulse :)

What is engine thrust?

Thrust is the amount of power generated by the engine.

How much thrust does an airplane give?

The amount of thrust depends on the power of the engine

What is the total trust in gas turbin engine?

You must mean 'Thrust' . The thrust is the amount of power the jet engine supplies.

What are two ways to increase the amount of thrust a rocket produces?

If the mass flow rate through the rocketâ??s engine is increased, then the thrust will be higher. Another way to increase the thrust amount is to increase the exit or initial velocity during takeoff.

What provides the force for thrust?

The engine provides force for thrust.

Which part of the airplane creates thrust?

The jet engine is responsible for creating thrust in an airplane. It sucks in air, compresses it, adds fuel to it, ignites the mixture, and then expels the heated air out the back at high speed, propelling the aircraft forward.

What is the relation between net thrust and gross thrust in a ramjet engine?

Net thrust in a ramjet engine is the actual useful thrust generated for propulsion, while gross thrust is the total thrust including the contributions from ram pressure. The net thrust is the difference between the gross thrust and the drag of the engine itself. The net thrust determines the actual propulsion force available for moving the aircraft forward.

What causes the thrust of an airplane?

The engine causes thrust, it moves the aircraft.

What helps an airplane to move?

Thrust, typically created by a propeller attached to an internal combustion or turbine engine, or by a turbofan.

When was Thrust - video game - created?

Thrust - video game - was created in 1986.

During a rocket launch whioch is greater thrust of the rocket engine or weight of the rocket?

thrust of the rocket engine