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Q: Which term means a narrow strip of land through foreign-held territory?
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To walk in Indian file means to walk one behind the other as though on a narrow path. My Answer Walking in single file through narrow streets

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What term means a narrow strip of land through foreign-held territory?

It could be called a corridor. For instance, during the cold war between Russia and the West, and the annexation of Berlin by the Russians, three air corridors were established. Along these corridors the West were able to supply West Berlin by aeroplanes, delivering essential supplies.

What term means a narrow strip of land through foreign held territory?

It could be called a corridor. For instance, during the cold war between Russia and the West, and the annexation of Berlin by the Russians, three air corridors were established. Along these corridors the West were able to supply West Berlin by aeroplanes, delivering essential supplies.

What does the cat's scent do?

It marks its territory... You will also find that if a cat digs over/covers its business it means that is its territory and if it doesn't cover it, it means that it isn't its territory.

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This means in a narrow sense

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It means the "STRAIT & NARROW PATH".