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The term for a sense perception that has no basis in external stimulation is "hallucination". This phenomenon involves seeing, hearing, or feeling things that are not actually present. It is a common symptom of certain mental health disorders or drug-induced experiences.

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Q: Which term means a sense perception that has no basis on external stimulation?
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What is the difference between opinion and perception?

Opinion is a belief or judgment about something, often based on personal feelings or experiences. Perception is the way in which something is understood or interpreted through our senses and experiences. In other words, opinion is a subjective view while perception is how we interpret the world around us.

Perception of space is a term which means?

Perception of space refers to how individuals interpret and make sense of the physical environment around them. It involves understanding relationships between objects, distances, and proportions within a given space. This perception is influenced by factors like culture, experiences, and individual differences.

What does am bored mean?

"I am bored" means that someone is feeling uninterested or lacking excitement or stimulation. It typically indicates a desire for something more engaging or entertaining to do.

What does it mean to have an impression of someone?

Having an impression of someone means forming a perception or opinion about them based on your interactions, observations, or experiences with them. It can be positive, negative, or neutral.

How does sensation influence perception?

Sensation is the process of detecting and receiving information from our environment through our sensory organs, like sight and sound. This raw sensory data is then processed by our brain to give it meaning and create our perception of the world around us. Therefore, sensation provides the foundation for perception by providing the input that our brain interprets to create our perception.

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In brief it means a person has a good perception of right and wrong and follows this perception.

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The interpretation of sensory information is called "perception". It comes from the Latin word percipere, which means to seize or understand.

What does it mean to have perception of beauty?

It means that you can recognize beauty when you see it.

What does external problems mean?

it means problems which come from outside of something. External means coming or derived from an outside source.

Is there a difference between internal and external financing?

Internal means it is contained inside something; external means it comes from outside.

What does internal and external mean in business?

external means- you have to ask your mum for a SHAG internal means- you have to ask your dad for a SHAG

Difference between external and implanted pacemaker?

Answer External means on the outside. Implanted means that the pacemaker goes inside the body.

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