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Q: Which term means keeping a close watch over a person or a group?
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What phrase means Keeping to close to a person?

Breathe down someones neck

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When someone refers to a person's inner circle it means they are referring to a specific person or someone that is either close or in their group of friends.

What does HUG stand for?

It doesn't really stand for anything....It just means to embrace somebody, or to close or hold your arms around another person or group of persons.

What does 'Keep you at bay' mean?

"At bay" means "at a safe distance." The phrase means that someone or something is holding you off, keeping you from getting close to them.

What does it meanto close for comfort?

it means that, that thing or person is too close to you and it's making you uncomfortable.

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Kiss means that you like the person whom you are kissing. You want to be with that person. You want to stay as close to him as you can.

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it means that theres one peron vs. a group

If a person's percentile rank is 45 does this means that the person's raw score was the same as 45 percent of the group assessed?

No. It means that 45 percent of the group assessed scored lower than that person's score.

What word means the person or group who starts a conflict?

An instigator.

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it means he he lose a close person

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attachment means to be really close to that person and that you feel a spark

Why hen make loud noise?

It is a throwback to when chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) lived in the jungle. It is a means of keeping the group together.