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Theism is the term that refers to the belief in the existence of a god or some type of supreme being.

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Q: Which term refers to the belief in the existence of god(s) or some type of supreme being?
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What term refers to the belief in the existence of god's or some type of supreme being?

The general term is "theism." Monotheism is the belief in a single God, while polytheism is the belief in more than one individual god (such as the Greek pantheon).

Which term is defined as the belief ine existence of a god or gods or some type of supreme being?

Theism colt york

What does anacostic mean?

I think you mean Agnostic. Agnostic is the belief that one can neither support nor deny the existence of a supreme being.

What is the term for a system of beliefs and practices related to one's belief in a deity or reality beyond human understanding?

The term for a system of beliefs and practices related to one's belief in a deity or reality beyond human understanding is "religion." It encompasses organized rituals, moral codes, and doctrines that guide followers in their spiritual relationship with the divine.

Who is the supreme being in taoism?

There are hints of the existence of a supreme being in Taoist writings, including the Tao Te Ching, but there is no teaching about who or what the supreme being is. There is a traditional pantheon in Taoism, but it is not really inherent in the belief, and it is not fixed. Popularly, the Jade Emperor heads the pantheon, but this is not universally accepted. There is a link to a section of an article on Taoism dealing with the pantheon below.

Which movement questions the existence of a god or a supreme being?

Atheism questions the existence of a god or supreme being. Atheists typically lack belief in any deities and may express skepticism or disbelief in religious claims.

How is the term 'belief' defined?

Belief is the firm acceptance of an idea or concept proposed to be true or real. However, belief connotes the absence of proof, evidence, absolute certainty, or positive knowledge. To use a simple definition, a belief is a probable truth. Belief is usually associated with the acceptance of religious or moral doctrines or dogmas, such as the existence of supernatural beings or a Supreme Being.

What does the Jainism philosophy support?

The Jainism philosophy is a religion of Ancient India. It supports the idea of independent existence of soul and matter. There is a strong emphasis on morality and non-violence and no belief in a supreme being or creator figure.

Can you be a Christian and be in Eastern Star?

Absolutely. A belief in a Supreme Being is required for membership.

What percentage are atheist Muslims?

Islam is a religion that includes a belief in a supreme being therefore there are no Muslim atheists.

Why do people believe in a supreme being but not in the supernatural or life elsewhere in the rest of the universe?

Belief in a supreme being is actually a belief in the supernatural, but most people who believe in a supreme being are taught or conditioned as to what it is permissible to believe. Sometimes that conditioning extends to not accepting the possibility that life could exist elsewhere in the universe. More important to the issue of belief in the possibility of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe is that this could call into question the entire basis of religions as we know them.

What is an element of the divine right theory of a origin of a state?

belief that a monarch's authority to rule comes from a supreme being A+