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Q: Which terrestrial planet has a day that is over two Earth months long?
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What planet has a year 225 earth days long?

You a martian baht!Is about 32 months about 7ish lolit means the planet venus which orbits the earth in 225 days.............correct?

When does the earth emit terrestrial radiation?

Terrestrial radiation refers to heat emitted from the earth's atmosphere and surface.

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It is 9 months

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A long long long long time!

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The dwarf planet Pluto is the planet with a year 248 earth years long.

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The dwarf planet Haumea is the planet with a year 280 earth years long.

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Mercury completes one revolution in about 88 Earth days. This is due to its slow rotation. Mercury is a terrestrial planet that is the nearest to the sun. A day on Mercury is about 58.5 Earth days.

How long does it take to get to a planet from Earth?

It depends which planet you mean.

How long is planet earth?

1000 feet

How long is the month of Mars?

Months are a human construction with no astronomical basis. There are no months on the planet Mars. The Martian day is slightly longer than an Earth day (24:39 as opposed to 24:00 [hours:minutes])

Is earth the larerest planet?

No not by a long shot. Jupiter is About 320 times the size of earth and is the largest planet in our solar system.