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Q: Which tertiary institution has Bachelor of Business Administration in South Africa?
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What is Telescoping curriculum and instruction in Nigerian Tertiary Institution?

curriculum is just to help the student to upgrade in their learning of education in nigeria most expecially in the tertiary institution

Why would a business be choosen to be tertiary production?

the business will be choosen as a tertiary production because the business is selling the product to consumer

What are the objectives of citizenship education for tertiary institution in Nigeria?

Teaching of democracy

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Which tertiary institution did James Watt attended?

your fat mum The University of Glaskow in Scotland

What is the highest qualification you have achieved?

A tertiary qualification is a formal qualification obtained from a tertiary institution, that is, an institution that can only be studied in following graduation from high school (secondary education).The most common form of tertiary qualification is a university degree. However there are other forms of tertiary institutions that include technical institutes and colleges - a formal qualification from these counts as tertiary qualification as well.

How can you resorve Poverty and academic performance among students in tertiary institution?

Get rid of all of the black people.

What is a national business in the tertiary sector?

A national business is one that provides services for the public :)

Difference between college and university?

Colleges typically are divided into academic departments (engineering dept., English dept., biology dept., etc.). Universities typically have colleges or schools that fall under the university (school of business, school of engineering, etc.)

Was Estee Lauder's business in the secondary or tertiary industry?

Was Estee Lauder's business in secondary or teriary industry? Explain.

What is the primary secondary and tertiary sectors of gold in the business environment?

The primary secondary and tertiary sectors of gold in the businesss enviroment are your mom, your mom, and your mom.

Why is sainburys a Tertiary business?

They provide a service, providing the food on the shelves to be precise.