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Shakespeare did not own half of any theatre. He owned one-eighth of two theatres, the Globe and the Blackfriars.

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Q: Which theater did William Shakespeare half own?
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Did William Shakespeare have his own theater?

the globe theatre

How much of his theater did Shakespeare own?

He was a shareholder for 12.5%.

How long have people been watching theater plays?

People have been watching plays for many centuries. Ancient Egyptians enjoyed their own type of theater as well as those in the times of William Shakespeare.

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so he could have a place to perform his own plays the way he wanted to

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What theatre did William Shakespeare own shares in?

Two theatres: the Globe and the Blackfriars.

What theater did shakespeare own in 1599?

None. Shakespeare did not own any theatres. He did have a share (1/8) in a couple. (Does owning a share in General Motors mean you own General Motors? I think not.) His first investment was in the Globe Theatre in 1599

What is the title of William Shakespeare?

William Shakespeare spent considerable time and money obtaining a grant of arms for his father. That meant that his father had his own personal coat of arms which William (being the eldest son) would inherit on his death. It also meant that he could call himself "Mr. William Shakespeare" or "William Shakespeare, gent."; without the grant of arms he was plain "William Shakespeare."

What is the name of Shakespeare's theater and where was it located?

The theatre most associated with William Shakespeare was the Globe which was in London. Although the original building was destroyed, a modern but good representation has been rebuilt close to the location of the original. Although Shakespeare acted in it (among other places) and his plays (among others) were performed there, Shakespeare was not responsible for constructing theGlobe Theatreand did not own it, having only a one-eighth monetary interest in it.