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Anything with mass. The larger the mass, the greater the degree that light can be bent or deflected.

In reality, you "could" observe it everyday, but the amount is so small you would never see it.

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Q: Which thing in this universe can bend the light?
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What thing in this universe can bend the light?

According to Einestein's theory of general relativity, any massive body that causes an appreciable distortion in its surrounding space-time can bend light (e.g. large stars, black holes, etc.). Light that enters the event horizon of black holes are bent so much that it can never leave the black hole.

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The answer to "What is the fastest thing that can travel?" is light. Light can travel faster than any other thing in the universe!

What can bend light?

change of medium causes light to bend

Does light bend as it passes through materials?

Light is affected by the media that it travels through. Even air will bend light. Glass and water certainly bend light.

Do rainbows bend light?

No. Water droplets bend light to make rainbows.

What is the first thing in the universe?

From most points of view the first thing to exist that would be recognisable by us would probably be light.

Does white light reflect or bend?

White light can reflect or bend, depending upon the circumstances.

When can light bend?

Light could bend when it enters a prism. A prism is a transparent object such as glass.

Does light bend when it reflects on glass?

no , and its not calld 'bend' its called 'reflected' but its like bend but ITS NOT :)

How does light curve at all?

Light does not bend.