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Romeo, Paris and Tybalt.

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Q: Which three characters lie dead with Juliet in the vault?
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Why is Juliet laid in the Capulet vault?

1. She's a Capulet. 2. They thought she was dead.

Why does Prince Escalus command that the vault be sealed?

because everyone thinks that Juliet is dead

What happens with Romeo and Paris in the vault?

Romeo kills Paris in the vault before taking his own life upon discovering Juliet apparently dead.

Why is Juliet afraid of the family vault?

Juliet is afraid of the family vault because she has been told stories about how it is a place of death and darkness, and she fears being alone among the dead bodies inside. She also expresses concerns about the eerie nature of the tomb and the possibility of waking up too early and suffocating in the darkness.

Who in Romeo and Juliet died?

Both Romeo and Juliet die, briefly, Romeo believes Juliet to be dead, so he drinks some poison, then when Juliet finds Romeo dead, she stabs herself with his dagger. Paris also dies, killed by Romeo. And Tybalt and Mercutio earlier on. And Mrs. Montague dies offstage

Was Romeo and Juliet dissent to die?

Yes, in William Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet," the two main characters Romeo and Juliet both end up dying by suicide. Romeo drinks poison, believing Juliet is dead, and Juliet stabs herself upon waking to find Romeo dead.

How many Montagues are dead at the end of Romeo and Juliet?

Three Montagues are dead at the end of Romeo and Juliet: Mercutio, Tybalt, and Romeo.

Who was the ghost Juliet sees before drinking the potion?

He doesn't tell her anything. He thinks she's dead and that's what she appears to be. He talks to her the same way characters talk to the moon (this is called apostrophe), but he doesn't expect her to hear him.

Who finds the Dead Juliet in the morning?

The nurse finds Juliet dead first.

Who founds Juliet dead?

The nurse found Juliet in the Capulet home. The watch found Juliet dead in the churchyard...........which one ???

in romeo and Juliet What is the dramatic irony in scene v when everyone mourns Juliet death?

The dramatic irony in Act 5, Scene 3 of Romeo and Juliet is that the audience knows Juliet is not really dead, as they have seen her take the sleeping potion. However, the other characters, including Romeo, believe she is truly deceased, leading to heightened emotions and tragic consequences.

How would a classical writer define tragedy?

A story in which something goes horribly wrong; often involving death of characters e.g ROMEO AND JULIET: Romeo kills himself thinking Juliet is dead and then she, Juliet, kills herself after seeing her love motionless.