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the 2 front teeth

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Q: Which tooth has 2 pulp canals in one of its roots?
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Do you really need all three root canals done on one tooth if you already had two?

Yes because the apical (end of the tooth) can still be prone to infection.

Causes of a root canal?

A root canal procedure is done as a result of bacteria reaching into the root canal of a tooth. The remenents of the nerve and pulp is taken out and sealed. A crown is then put over the ground down tooth.

Can you have another root canal done on a tooth that's had a root canal done on it years ago?

It is possible to have more than one root canal treatment on a single tooth because some teeth do have two roots. The need for another root canal can occur within a few weeks of the original one or several years later

How many roots connect your teeth to your gums?

Each tooth can have from one to five roots.Incisals and canines have one root and rarely two.Premolars have two roots, but sometimes they have one, and rarely have three roots.Molars have 3 roots, sometimes four, and rarely five roots.

What do you call tooth tissue?

Dentin (BE: dentine ) is a calcified tissue of the body, and along with enamel, cementum, and pulp is one of the four major components of teeth.

Why do I have multiple failed root canals?

Only a dentist can answer this one and I suggest you find a better dentist. Many people don't realize you can have up to 4 diffent canals in a tooth and not the usual two. Some dentists are sloppy and miss this.

Does your dentist perform root canal procedures?

They do perform root canals for nine hundred dollars. He also gives you a choice of removing the tooth. To remove the tooth is about one hundred. They both hurt, but the root canal saves your tooth and takes much longer to perform.

How important is a root canal if you need one?

Its not. Root Canal Treatment is more of an "alternative". It is used for people who want to keep the tooth, for one reason or another. It is the alternative to simply removing the tooth - ie, grabbing it and pulling it out. Whichever method is used, its important because it usually means that the inside pulp of the tooth is inflammed, or infected. Abscesses and other nasties can rise from this.

Which teeth has one or no pulp horn?

Usually Canines have 1 pulp horn .. but there is no teeth with no pulp horns

Why would you need a root canal done?

Root canal therapy (RCT, endodontics) is done in order to preserve a tooth that would otherwise be lost due to injury or infection of the nerve of the tooth. Sometimes a tooth will develop decay, and if the decay is left untreated, it can reach the pulp, the center of the tooth where the nerve of the tooth is found. Sometimes the nerve can be damaged and die due to trauma such as getting hit in the face or biting on something hard and cracking the tooth. RCT involves opening up the tooth to gain access to the nerve, removing the nerve, cleaning out any infection that remains, shaping and smoothing the insides of the canals, and filling the canals with an inert material. Usually, a crown needs to be placed to restore the damaged tooth after root canal therapy because the tooth may become weak and brittle in time and break. When done correctly, most RCTs (95%+) are successful and can extend the useful life of a tooth for many years. Occasionally, RCTs fail without any known reason. In those cases, the RCT can sometimes be repeated with success, or a procedure called an apicoectomy and retrofill can be done to salvage a failed RCT. Most general dentists are trained to perform RCT, and there is a dental specialist called an endodontist who has advanced training in RCT and limits his/her practice to endodontics only. The patient will probably be referred to an endodontist if the general dentist does not perform RCT, or if the general dentist anticipates the procedure may be particularly complicated due to difficulty in accessing the pulp or unusual root morphology.

Which one of these is man-made mountains rivers or canals?

Canals are man-made waterways created by digging a channel to connect two bodies of water or for irrigation, transportation, or water supply purposes. Mountains and rivers, on the other hand, are natural features formed by geological processes.

Why are you having constant headaches numbness on your head dizziness bad taste on your mouth difficulty to concentrate after 2 root canals done in one tooth in three years?

If after two years, you are still having headaches from your tooth, you need to visit your dentist. There could be nerve damage from the bad tooth or root canal procedure.