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The Treaty Of Versallies

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Q: Which treaty did Hitler want to ignore?
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How did Britain and us help Hitler and Mussolini set stage for world war 2?

The US, but mainly Britain enabled Hitler to continue taking over lesser countries and defy the treaty of Versailles by not doing anything. They did not want another war, so they let Hitler blatently ignore the treaty and invade Chzechoslovakia, Poland, & Austria unchallenged.

Did Adolf Hitler want peace with treaty?

Hitler cried each night and f*cked himself to.He wanted a Peace treaty so he could have it with the other leaders

How did Hitler ignore the terms of the Treaty of Versailles?

Hitler's nationalistic feelings towards Germany caused him to be angry with the results of the Treaty. In the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was blamed for World War I, forced to pay war debts, forced to demilitarize, and much of their original territory was distributed to the Allied Powers. Hitlers purpose was to make Germany great again, and he could only do so by violating the Treaty.

What changes did Hitler make Treaty of Versailles?

Hitler basically threw out the treaty and did what he and the Germans wanted.

Which was more important Hitler or the treaty of Versailles?

The treaty

What treaty did Adolf Hitler reject?

The treaty of Versailles.

What treaty did Hitler break to start world war 2?

Treaty of Versailles was broken by Hitler and that began WW2.

What treaty did Adolf Hitler oppose?

The Treaty of Versailles 1919

Why did Hitler focus on gaining austria into the 3rd Reich?

I think Hitler want to test the reaction of the world for violating the Treaty of the Versailles and he wanted Austria because he was from Austria.

What happened between Hitler and chamberlain in 1938?

Chamberlain negotiated what he thought was a peace treaty with Hitler. It was called, "Peace in our time." Unfortunately, hitler did not respect that treaty.

What did Hitler call the government who signed the treaty of Versailles?

Hitler named the people who signed the Treaty of Versailles 'November Criminals'.

What treaty did Hitler refused to obey in 1935 and what did the treaty say to Germany could not do?

The treaty of versailles.