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The two books that contain stories of the birth of Jesus are the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. Raymond E. Brown (An Introduction to the New Testament) says the two accounts are "massively different" and virtually irreconcilable.

Scholars have established that the authors of of Matthew and Luke relied on Mark's Gospel for everything they knew about the life and mission of Jesus, but Mark does not mention the birth of Jesus. Faced with a need to tell their respective communities more about the life of Jesus, these two anonymous authors had to write something, but when each wrote, he was unaware of what the other had written. The two authors knew from Mark that Jesus' mother was called Mary and that Jesus would live in Nazareth, and they knew that the Jewish Messiah ought to be born in Bethlehem, but apart from this we get two very different nativity accounts.

In the view of John Shelby Spong (Born of a Woman: A Bishop Rethinks the Birth of Jesus), neither of the nativity stories contains any historical truth.

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Q: Which two books in the New Testament tell us about the birth of Jesus and why are they different?
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