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Q: Which two continents could the person reach?
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If a person travels east from the US by ship which ocean would he or she cross and which two continents could the person reach?

You would cross the Atlantic Ocean, and you could reach Europe or Africa.

If a person travels east from the US by a ship which ocean would he or she cross and which two continents could they reach?

You would cross the Atlantic Ocean, and you could reach Europe or Africa.

If a person travels east from the US by a ship which ocean would he or she crossand which two continents could the reach?

africa and astralia!

If you travel directly east from the contigus US wich two continents could you reach?

You would end up in Europe, then Asia if you continued going east.

What are two continents?

The contry that has two continents is Russia. The two continents in Russia are Europe and Asia. By the way you could have googled "The seven continents of the world" in images it would have been much quicker.

What country are two continents?

The contry that has two continents is Russia. The two continents in Russia are Europe and Asia. By the way you could have googled "The seven continents of the world" in images it would have been much quicker.

If a person traveled east from the us by ship.which two continents could the person reach?

i go to this all the time for work and it gives me bad grades like 40s and 20s my name is jacob lopez and i go to jordan intermediate school in ciblo texas i am in 5th grade in mrs. millers homeroom

How could two species that evolved on different continents have many similarities?

A common ancestor.

What is the land area that contains two continents is called?

Europe and asia

What two continents are completely in the northern hemphishere?

North America and could have looked at a globe for that.

What are the names of the two smallest continents?

The two smallest continents are Europe and Australia, with the latter being the smallest of all the continents.

Are there two continents that are not connected by land?

There are two continents isolated from any others and are referred to as island continents: Australia and Antarctica.