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India and Bangladesh.

Their National Anthems are in Bengali language which is not their national language.

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Q: Which two countries don't have their national anthem in their national language?
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Why education is good if it is in Indian language than being in English?

It is better to learn in Indian language than learning in English.Students now dont know to read or write their own mother tongue.Why is it unnecessary to learn other countries language when we dont know ours?Its better we learn it in our own language.

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Why do some countries do not speak the English language and just their own language?

Ask yourself why do Americans speak English and not a language of their own? Why do Mexicans speak Spanish and not a language of their own? Most countries speak the languages which is native to that area. Countries in the 'new world' like the USA, Canada, Argentina, etc. speak languages which were generally spoken by the majority of people who immigrated from elsewhere. People are proud of their language just as Americans are proud of being able to own guns and kill people, proud of their extreme religious people and proud of the fact that the USA Government murders people in the name of justice every year (also called execution). That was sarcastic I hope. The reason why so many people dont have a second language is because they are too proud and think they are too good to learn another language. That's why for example Americans dont have a second language. Because they are too lazy and they feel they dont have to.

What countries dont speak english?

There is a lot of countries whose official language is not English, however, in such countries you can find a lot of people able to speak English fluently. These are two distinct situations. In other words, English is spoken almost on all countries, even if it is not their official language.

What language is Aston?

i dont no