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The Calvin Cycle in Photosynthesis and The Krebs Cycle in Cellular Respiration. The Calvin Cycle occurs in chloroplasts and The Krebs Cycle occurs in the Mitochondria.

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Q: Which two cycle are linked by the production and utilization of carbon dioxide where do these cycles occur?
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Which two carbon compounds are recycled in the carbon and oxygen cycles?

Carbon dioxide and sugar

What do Calvin cycles do?

Converts carbon dioxide to glucose

Is sun spot cycles or carbon dioxide in the atmosphere more important for global warming?

Both sunspot cycles and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere play a role in global warming, but carbon dioxide has a much larger impact. The increase in carbon dioxide levels from burning fossil fuels is the primary driver of the current warming trend. Sunspot cycles have a smaller influence on the Earth's climate compared to human activities.

How might the death of all the producers in a community effect the corbon and oxygen cycles?

The death of all producers in a community would disrupt the carbon and oxygen cycles. Producers, such as plants, play a crucial role in photosynthesis, which absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen. Without producers, there would be a decrease in oxygen production and an increase in carbon dioxide levels, leading to imbalances in the cycles.

How might the death of all producers in a community affect the carbon an oxygen cycles?

The death of all producers in a community would disrupt the carbon and oxygen cycles. Producers, such as plants, play a vital role in both cycles by taking in carbon dioxide during photosynthesis and releasing oxygen. Without producers, there would be a decrease in oxygen production and an imbalance in the carbon cycle, leading to potential environmental consequences.

Why is the oxygen and carbon cycles are tied so closely together?

The oxygen and carbon cycles are closely linked because they are interdependent processes in the environment. During photosynthesis, plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen, linking the two cycles. Additionally, respiration by plants and animals releases carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere, completing the cycle.

What causes normal cells to die after a certain number of cell cycles?

carbon dioxide

How carbon sequestration can be considered as an ecosystem service?

It offsets all the carbon we and other animals in the ecosystem exhale. Carbon from the emitted carbon dioxide is taken and used for energy (glucose) production in plants. These plants emit oxygen as waste which we inhale and use for metabolism. This is essentially the carbon and oxygen cycle in our ecosystem but there are other major players as well as other important cycles (like the water and nitrogen cycles) that are intertwined with carbon sequestration. Additionally, carbon sequestration is responsible for lowering atmospheric carbon monoxide levels as well as methane and carbon dioxide levels; two important greenhouse gases.

How do you know that you are affecting the planet?

We know we are affecting the planet because we understand carbon cycles and the use of carbon fuels and the effect of carbon dioxide on the atmosphere.

What is the important of plant in oxygen cycles?

Plants convert carbon dioxide into oxygen through photosynthesis.

How do carbon and oxygen cycles interact to keep animals alive?

Animals rely on the carbon and oxygen cycles for the exchange of gases important for respiration. During photosynthesis, plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen, which animals use for respiration. In turn, animals exhale carbon dioxide, which plants use as a source of carbon for photosynthesis. This interplay between the two cycles helps to maintain a balance of gases necessary for animal survival.

What is a result of 'slash and burn' agriculture that can affect the cycles of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the air?

amount of oxygen