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saliva and pancreatic juice

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Q: Which two digestive juices contain the enzyme amylase?
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Where is food mashed and mixed with digestive juices?

in our body lol

What is a enzyme found in pancreatic juices?

An enzyme found in pancreatic juices is amylase, trypsin, and lipase.

What does Liquesence digestive enzyme do?

It helps to normalize the secretion of digestive juices and enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract

What organelle contain digestive juices?

Mainly lysosomes do digestion.They have many digestive enzymes.

What digestive juice only acts on carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates: Salivary amylase - enzyme in the saliva which breaks starch and complex chains down. Pancreatic amylase - enzyme produced in the pancreas which reduces carbs to disaccharides. Intestinal amylase - enzyme produced in the intestine of the small intestine that finalises breakdown into glucose. Protein: Pepsin - enzyme in the stomach that reduces protein into polypeptides Pancreatic trypsin and protease - enzymes that finalises breakdown of polypeptides into amino acids to be absorbed. Lipids (Fats): Bile - NOT an enzyme - produced in the liver to emulsify (break into smaller pieces) fat into smaller droplets Pancreatic lipase - enzyme that finalises breakdown of fat into fatty acids and glycerol.

Which enzyme is secreted by saliva?

The enzyme is called salivary amylase, and it helps break down some of the starch in the food. The majority of the starch is still broken down by the pancreatic juices in the small intestine.

What are gastric juices?

Gastric juices are secretions from the stomach lining that contain hyrdrochloric acid and an enzyme that digests protein.

What is one enzyme found in the pancreatic juice?

what are three names of enzymes found in pancreatic juices?

What digestive digests proteins?

digestive juices consit of digestive enzymes (strictly says, proteases) such as renin, pepsin, trypsin and other molecules that helps in digesting proteins

Digestive juices in the digestive tract include?

Mechanical digestion is the same thing as chewing, or mastication. It does not need any digestive juices, because that is considered chemical digestion. Chemical digestion in the mouth during chewing is mainly by the aid of saliva which has, among other enzymes, salivary amylase which initiates carbohydrate digestion.

In the digestive system what does the food do in your mouth?

In the digestive system, digestion starts in your mouth. Your teeth grind your food into small pieces. Your digestive juices can only work on the outside of food. by grinding food into small pieces, it gives your food a whole lot more area for your digestive juices to work on. Also the saliva in your mouth is a digestive juice. It starts the process of digesting carbohydrates.

What enzyme is present in the stomach?

Pepsin is activated by acid in the stomach and breaks proteins -- including those in meat, dairy, eggs and vegetable sources.