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Rickets is a bone disorder, commonly found in young children, in which the bone weakens and is prone to fracturs or breaks. Rickets often results from a severe form of malnutrition, in which the body is heavily deprived of vitamin D and calcium.

Anorexia is a mental disorder that manifests itself physically in which a person starves or eats very little and exercises excessivley in a desparate attempt to lose weight. Anorexia is a very dangerous eating disorder that leads to many health, physical, and mental problems, and can often be fatal.

Scurvy is a form of malnutrition in whcih the body suffer, often being prone to infection and tooth decay / tooth loss as a result of lack of nutrients. An easy way to counter this is to have a diet with citrus fruits and grains.

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Q: Which two food helps to prevent Rickets and scurvy?
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What food deficiency causes scurvy?

Scurvy is caused by lack of vitamin C. I`m telling you EAT YOUR VITAMIN C.

What food helps with which health problem?

There are a whole bunch of studies and books on the subject but a couple of the simplest ones are:Citrus fruits prevent scurvy - a Vitamin C deficiency.Beef, beans and whole grains prevent beriberi - a Vitamin B1 deficiency

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I think he brought salted meat but not enough fruit to prevent scurvy

What food prevent scurvy?

Any food that has vitamin C. Near the top of the list are citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, limes, etc.)

Can humans catch rickets from reptiles?

No. You get rickets from a deficiency in vitamins, because you are not eating the correct food.

Do vegetables help prevent scurvy and if so is it just a certain few or a majority of them?

Yes, many vegetables can help prevent scurvy, and so can many fruits. Scurvy is a deficiency of vitamin C. Some food sources are: Papaya, Red bell peppers (uncooked), Broccoli, Brussel sprouts, Strawberries, Oranges, Cantaloupe, Kiwi, Cauliflower, and Dark green leafy vegetables like Kale, Mustard greens, etc.

How can you use scurvy in a sentence?

Today cases of scurvy are rare because it is easy to get fresh food.

What food prevents rickets?

vitamin D along calcium and phosphorus prevent rickets.The sorces are fish, liver oil,eggs,milk and its products.Sunlight also contains vitamin D!

Why is rickets a common disease in many third world countries?

Rickets is a result of malnutrition. Hence it is common where food is of poor quality and quantity.

What disease did the sailors have in the Tudor times?

scurvy, black death or food poisoning

What does food safety does?

Food safety helps prevent the spread of germs and bacteria on food, decreasing the risk of foodborne illnesses.

What is the importance of chewing food?

Chewing your food helps to increase the area that is subjected to the digestive juices. It also helps to prevent the discomfort of indigestion or heartburn.