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Q: Which two groups of stars can have similar brightness?
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What two groups of stars can have similar brightness?

First let's assume the question is about a star's actual brightness not apparent brightness as seen from Earth. There are in fact several possibilities. The Hertzprung-Russell diagram is helpful here. One possibility is red dwarfs and white dwarfs. Of course there's large variation within these groups, but a red dwarf can certainly have a luminosity that's similar to a white dwarf. If the question is about apparent brightness, then a distant luminous star can appear similar in brightness to a nearby faint star.

What are the two ways stars are classified?

Two ways are by temperature and brightness

What are the ways stars are classified?

Two ways are by temperature and brightness

What are two ways to describe a stars brightness?

Apparent magnitude and absolute magnitude.

Is it true that two stars that have the same brightness are the same distance from earth?


The diffence in brightness between two stars is related to the?

Their distance away from you and their intrinsic luminosity.

What do you call two revolving stars of unequal brightness?

Two stars revolving around one another (around their center of mass, to be precise) are called a "binary star". There is no special name for the case that the brightness is unequal; this is actually the usual case.

What two factor affect a stars apparent brightness?

Two factors that affect a star's apparent brightness are: 1.) The distance between the Earth and the star 2.) The absolute magnitude (the actual brightness) of the star Hope that helps :P

Are there twenty-two stars in Sagittarius?

There are more than twenty-two stars in the constellation Sagittarius. Sagittarius is one of the largest constellations in the sky and contains numerous stars of varying brightness and sizes.

Are binary stars in groups of two?

Yes. The prefix bi- means two.

If two stars have the same apparent magnitude are they the same distance from Earth?

No. Brighter distant stars can have the same apparent magnitude as fainter stars that are closer.(Absolute magnitude does not refer to actual brightness, but rather to what the brightness of a star would likely be at an arbitrary distance of 10 parsecs, rather than its actual distance.)

Which two groups are similar in physical characteristics?

U.o.e.n.o it