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Q: Which two letters are used to indicate years that occurred before the birth of Jesus?
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How can you conclude whether the events in the timeline occurred before or after the life of Jesus of nazareth?

they occurred before, because BCE is the same time period as BC, which means "before christ."

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The Triumphal Entry, also known as Palm Sunday, occurred on the Sunday before Jesus Christ's crucifixion.

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Jesus' most extensive ministry occurred in the city of Capernaum.

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40 days after it began. It occurred late in Jesus' life, not too long before the Last Supper and his Crucifixion.

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Peter denied Jesus three times, just as Jesus had predicted. This occurred during Jesus's trial before his crucifixion.

What does bc mean in social studies?

BC stands for "Before Christ" in social studies. It is used to refer to dates that occurred before the estimated birth year of Jesus Christ.

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Did Jesus change water to wine before he was baptized?

The Bible does not mention Jesus changing water to wine before his baptism. The first miracle of turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana is recorded in the Gospel of John and occurred after his baptism by John the Baptist.

How many letters are there in the word for how Jesus died?

Crucifiction=12 letters

What do the letters BC stand for in 2000 BC?

The letters BC stand for Before Christ, referring to the period before Jesus Christ was born according to Judeo Christian beliefs. Currently, the acronym BCE is more widely used in scientific circles, meaning Before Current Era.

Why does the dates go backwards in BC?

years were numbered to count backward to indicate the number of years an event had occurred “before Christ” or “B.C.”

How created letters?

Raptor Jesus.