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Q: Which two of the following statements are true about certain symbols such as the Red Cross and Red Crescent?
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Which of the following statements about symbols is true?

Symbols may be personal or universal. :)

Islam symbols of faith?

crescent moon and star

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Crescent Moon

Islam's common symbols?

the crescent moon and star

What is the meaning of the symbol of the algerian flag?

The crescent and star pattern on the flag and the green colour are all symbols of Islam.The star and crescent moon were symbols of the Islamic Empire and have come to mean symbols of unified Islam.

Why the crescent and the star are important royal symbols?

The crescent and star have historical significance in various cultures as symbols of power, protection, and guidance. In Islamic culture, the crescent and star are associated with the Ottoman Empire and have been adopted as symbols of power and authority by leaders of the past. These symbols have also been used to represent divinity, enlightenment, and victory in different contexts.

Three symbols relating to culture that are shown in the crescent moon exhibition?

two are: the crescent moon & star and the lion

What symbols would be used to represent Mohammad?

A crescent moon and a star

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they are Saturn, crescent moon, and star then press the sun

What is a symbol of Muslim religion and how is this the source of all that is?

It is crescent. In the early days of Islam, there was no symbols representing it. After Turks started to join Islam, they brought their symbol, crescent, with them. Gradually, the crescent became the symbol of Islam.

What is the animal for alpha phi alpha?

They don't have one. Their symbols are the crescent and the pink carnation.

What are the most common symbols of Islam?

There are no official symbols of Islam. With that being said, some would say the most common symbols that represent Islam are the Star and Crescent. But there are findings in the Quran that specify that either are legitimate official symbols of Islam.