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In humans, the testes produce sperm cells in males, while the ovaries produce eggs in females.

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Q: Which two organs produce the gametes in human?
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What is a gamete machine?

This is a slightly metaphorical term because gametes are created by organs, not by machines, but since the organs that create gametes do so in a relentless, almost mechanical manner, we might call them gamete machines. Collectively, the organs that create gametes are called gonads. These come in two varieties, the male gonads, known as testes, which produce the male gamete known as sperm, and the female gonads known as ovaries, which produce the female gamete known as eggs or ova.

What are the two examples of human gametes?

The two examples of human gametes are sperm cells (produced by males) and egg cells (produced by females). These gametes are specialized sex cells that fuse during fertilization to form a zygote, which develops into a new organism.

Two haploid gametes typically fuse to produce a diploid zygote?


How many different types of gametes can a heterozygous woman with two genes produce?

A heterozygous woman with two genes (each having two alleles) can produce four different types of gametes due to the random assortment of alleles during meiosis.

Humans can produce over eight million unique gametes because of independent assortment of homologous chromosomes. Human males can produce many billions of sperm during a lifetime. However no two sperm?

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What are the two types of gametes in the human body?

The two types of gametes in the human body are sperm cells (produced by males) and egg cells (produced by females). These gametes are responsible for sexual reproduction and carry genetic information from each parent to create a new individual.

Diploid gametes is a product of meiosis?

Diploid gametes are not a product of meiosis. Meiosis is the process by which diploid cells undergo two rounds of division to produce haploid gametes. The haploid gametes then join during fertilization to form a diploid zygote.

Name the two organs in a mammal that would carry out meiosis?

In mammals, meiosis occurs in the testes (male) and ovaries (female). This process is essential for the production of gametes (sperm and eggs) in these sex organs.

If each parent can produce 100 genetically distinct gametes how many genetically distinct offspring can two parents produce?

Two parents can produce up to 10,000 genetically distinct offspring when each parent contributes 100 genetically distinct gametes. This is calculated by multiplying the number of unique gametes from each parent (100 x 100 = 10,000).

What are two examples of a sex cell gamete in a human?

The two sex cell gametes are the ovum (egg) and sperm.

Do germ Cells create Life when they combine?

Two gametes conjoining produce a living zygote; the Answer is yes, they do.

What is the name of the 2 human gametes?

The two human gametes are sperm and egg (or ova). Sperm are produced by males in the testes, while eggs are produced by females in the ovaries. When these gametes unite during fertilization, they form a zygote.