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is it you shouldn't touch chemicals with your hands

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Q: Which two pieces from the microscope should you never touch?
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magnify glass
Related questions

Where should you not touch a microscope?

The lens

What is the only material that should be used to clean the lenses of a microscope?

The first step to clean a microscope lens is to take some lens cleaning paper that you can find in specialty shops or distributors of laboratory equipment. Alternatively, use certified cotton. Never touch the microscope lens with your fingertips since fingerprints can affect the microscope's visibility.

Give you some rules for taking care of a microscope?

Do not touch lenses. ALWAYS start with the least magnification, and work upwards. Clean slides and microscope when finished with it. Cover microscope with dust cover when not in use. Never swing the microscope.

Why should oil not touch the lens of a microscope?

You can see the oil when you look through the eyepiece.

Why should you look to the slide before you lower the objective of your microscope?

so the objective lens will not touch the slide.

What three things should the US flag never touch?

The U.S. flag should never touch the ground, water, and nothing besides gloved hands

What should the American flag never touch besides the ground or floor?

The American flag should never touch the ground, floor, or any object below it.

Why should you never touch Hg?

Mercury is toxic and can be absorbed through your skin when you touch it.

What should you never do to identify a chemical?

taste or touch

Why should the flag never touch the ground?

You are not suppose to let it touch the ground, however, I have never heard where it had to be destroyed if it did.

What should you do first to bring the object in focus on a microscope?

Never touch the very small dial first. You want to work your way from big to small on the dials. The very large one had a broad focus, and as you get smaller, the focus is clearer

What should the US flag never touch?

The ground the ground