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republican Abraham Lincoln and south democrat john c.breckinridge

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Q: Which two presidention condidates in 1860 took directly opposing position on slavery in the western territories?
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Which two presidential candidates in 1860 took directly opposing opposing positions on slavery in the western territories?

Republican Abraham Lincoln and southern Democrat John C. Breckinridge -Novanet

Which presidential candidates in 1860 took directly opposing positions on slavery in the western territories?

Republican Abraham Lincoln and southern Democrat John C. Breckinridge -Novanet

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Which two presidential candidates in 1860 took opposing positions on slavery in the western territories?

Republican Abraham Lincoln and southern Democrat John C. Breckinridge -Novanet

Which two presidential candidates in 1860 took directly opposing positions on slavery in the western territories?

Republican Abraham Lincoln and southern Democrat John C. Breckinridge -Novanet

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