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Q: Which two related organizations are responsible for managing the top-level domain name space and the root Domain Name System (DNS) name servers on the Internet?
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Why toplevel class cannot be static?

A toplevel class certainly can be static. Static has nothing to do with the level of a class.

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Why toplevel class cannot be private?

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Why does it say HTTP404 not found when you go to

Their web server returns a 200 success toplevel web page.

What kind of websites are there?

There are different kinds of classification. Starting from Toplevel-Domain-Classification to models based on the content or function. See for more.

How many partition in Linux?

Linux can have as many partitions as you like, as it uses a unified filesystem structure. Usually you'll see 3-4: The / partition, where it all comes together and you'll most likely find most your configuration, software, libraries, assets, documentation, etc. The swap partition, which is where the Linux kernel can dump pages of memory when memory is running low or certain processes have been blocked for a long time. The /home partition, where user data is stored, includes preferences, documents, media files, and misc user-specific data are kept. Often kept in its own partition to allow you to share the same user data across multiple operating systems, and also to allow you to reinstall Linux without having to waste a second on needless backups, as that partition need not be removed. /boot partition, where the kernel, initramfs images, and bootloader files and configuration are kept. Often placed on its own partition for similar reasons as /home, to allow reinstallation of Linux without necessarily having to clear out boot data. IT also allows one to install multiple Linux instances and only having to define kernel parameters and initramfs locations for all of them from a single location. Also allows the system to keep booting if you were to remove Linux itself and go back to Windows without having to reinstall Windows. You can put many other toplevel directories in other partitions, but not all of them. /usr, /tmp, /opt, and /var can be put on other partitions, as the system doesn't actually rely on them to come online, though they will all be needed for the system to become usable to the average user. All the other toplevels need to stay on /, as the system absolutely needs them to function from the very moment early userspace finishes, not to mention single-user ("Maintenence") mode counts on everything an administrator would need being present at all times, which can't be guaranteed with separate partitions.

What is the purpose of main directories at top level in linus?

I am assuming this question is asking about what the toplevel directories are defined as in the FHS for Linux: / is the very base directory of the entire filesystem tree of a Linux system. Think of it as being not unlike C:\ to Windows users. Though Linux doesn't use drive letters for mounting media, but mount points. /bin is for essential non-administrative utilities and program binaries. Stuff like ls, cp, mv, and shells are stored here. You will NOT find most of your APPLICATIONS here, however, those are most likely to be found in /usr/bin. /boot is where your kernel images and boot configurations are kept. When your Linux machine loads, one of the very first things that gets read from the hard disk are stored here. /dev is a virttual filesystem populated with special files that represent all your supported hardware and some virtual hardware like /dev/null. Often when software is using your hardware, it is using system calls on these files. /etc is where most of your system-wide and critical configuration and system intiailization files are kept. Think of this as being like the system branches of the Windows registry: Meant for defining how the system works and not meant ot be played with lightly. Fortunately since almost all these files are plaintext, if something is broken, often in configuration, you can easily use a LiveCD to fix your install. /home is where user data and settings are stored. Think of it as being C:\Users or C:\Documents and Settings in Windows. It is in the users' own home directories normal users are actually allowed full file access privileges. Changing almost anything outside your home will require elevated privileges (root or sudo.). /lib and /lib64 are for system-critical libraries. /lib will also contain ALL of your device drivers (.ko files, also known as loadable kernel modules.). This is basically like C:\Windows\System32. ext2/3/4 users will also find /lost+found. This is a file system feature used to recover orphaned files the system can't really figure out what they are or where they belong. ext4 users might never see this used due to the journal. /mnt is for mounting filesystems. Remember that Linux does not use drive letters, but mounts filesystems onto the tree. /mnt is one of the "standard" mount points for non-removeable filesystems not normally part of the Linux system proper, such as Windows filesystems. /opt is for "add-on optional software." Linux distribution maintainers generally use it to chuck applications and other software that either doesn't work with the FHS or is too big to make work with the FHS. A lot, if not most, proprietary software will wind up in here. Due to it not using any sort of formal structure, it's not unlike C:\Program Files, except it's less commonly used. /proc is another virtual filesystem. This time it's used to "read the mind" of the kernel. Just about any actual information the kernel is tracking and aware of can be found in here including complete process information and various system information not regarding the hardware itself will be in here. /root is the root user's home directory. Not much can be found in here, though some settings for root will be stored in this directory. Usually can't even be read by normal users. /run is a not-FHS-compliant directory. It's the same as /var/run, it's for volatile runtime files the system likes to keep track of. It's not generally a virtual filesystem, but it's often just used as an IPC/tracking mechanism for userspace. /run was placed on / largely due to systemd becoming far more prevalent in Linux. /sbin is for vital system binaries that ormal users will not use but administrators most definitely will. A great deal of these tools will not even be able to perform their intended function with normal user privileges. /srv is not always found, it's generally available as a sort of "home" for server daemons to store and provide data from. Most Linux webservers will have some web sites stored here. /sys is the third and final "vital virtual filesystem." Where /dev provides device files as interfaces to hardware and /proc is all about the kernel's state and "thoughts" exposed in file form, /sys is all about your hardware, descriptions of what your hardware is like and what it can do. Often udev and a lot of device drivers will use this directory to determine what kind of files will be created and how they will be accessible from /dev. /sys outlines how your hardware is connected and what type of hardware it is. /tmp is temporary files. A lot of Linux systems mount it as tmpfs and this will usually be cleared out by Linux systems on every shutdown and every boot. It's basically a temporary file dump of files often used for a myriad of purposes. Users can even dump temporary files in here they don't need to care about later. /usr is the "secondary" hierarchy. To the user this is often the "applications" folder. It'll contain applications, assets for those applications. documentation, non-essential libraries, headers, you name it. /var is about volatile, ever changing data, but not TEMPORARY data. Things like databases and file locks and various other important, but "fluid" files will be kept here. PAckage managers often have all the package information stored here. /var is also very frequently used as a cache for a lot of applications as well. Again, your package manager will likely put one or two versions of all your installed packages in here so that if you remove a packae but want to reinstall it you won't have to redownload the package again from a repository.

How do you write hotel program in python?

# This program was authored by M. Srinu , RGU IIIT NUZVID. # Please maintain certain indentation after copying the program. from Tkinter import * import Tkinter import tkMessageBox import Tkinter as tk import os, glob import sys import string import re import tkFileDialog import random while(3): def hotel(): print "\t\t\t//** Hi friend welcome to my new hotel**//\n" n=raw_input("Enter your name here :") class Application(Frame): def say_hi(self): print "Hi !",n def createWidgets(self): self.QUIT = Button(self) self.QUIT["text"] = "QUIT" self.QUIT["fg"] = "red" self.QUIT["bg"] ="yellow" self.QUIT["command"] = self.quit self.QUIT.pack({"side": "left"}) self.hi_there = Button(self) self.hi_there["text"] = "Hello", self.hi_there["fg"] = "red" self.hi_there["bg"] ="blue" self.hi_there["command"] = self.say_hi self.hi_there.pack({"side": "left"}) def __init__(self, master=None): Frame.__init__(self, master) self.pack() self.createWidgets() root = Tk() app = Application(master=root) app.mainloop() root.destroy() d={'idly':10,'dosa':15,'puri':15,'biryani':40,'chicken biryani':50,'rice':35,'yellow rice':30} top = Tkinter.Tk() def hello(): tkMessageBox.showinfo(" Menu","item\t Rs\n\nidly\t10\ndosa\t15\npuri\t15\nrice\t35\nbiryani\t40\nchicken biryani 50\nyellow rice 30\n\n'Note': Please close the below window after press the ok button.") B1 = Tkinter.Button(top, text = "Press this button to see the menu", command = hello) B1.pack() top.mainloop() l=[] print ("Plz give order,if u enough just press 'Enter'\n") while(1): k=raw_input("Order which item u want >>>") #take order if k=='': break; l.append(k) #take ordered items into a list print("\t\t\tThanq for ur ordered\n") class Application(Frame): def say_hi(self): print "Your ordered menu is",l def createWidgets(self): self.QUIT = Button(self) self.QUIT["text"] = "QUIT" self.QUIT["fg"] = "red" self.QUIT["bg"] ="yellow" self.QUIT["command"] = self.quit self.QUIT.pack({"side": "left"}) self.hi_there = Button(self) self.hi_there["text"] = "Your ordered menu", self.hi_there["fg"] = "red" self.hi_there["bg"] ="blue" self.hi_there["command"] = self.say_hi self.hi_there.pack({"side": "left"}) def __init__(self, master=None): Frame.__init__(self, master) self.pack() self.createWidgets() root = Tk() app = Application(master=root) app.mainloop() root.destroy() s=0 print "\t\t\t/**/Individual bill is/**/\t" print"\t\t\t* * * * * * * * * * *" print("\t\t\titem\t\tprice") print"\t\t\t* * * * * * * * * * *" for i in l: #to print the the ordered item and price for key in d: if i==key: s+=d[key] print "\t\t\t",i,"\t\t",d[i] if i not in d: print "\t\t\tThe item ",i," was not found in the menu" print"\t\t\t* * * * * * * * * * *" jk=raw_input("If u want to drink anything just press y >>>") #ask user he/she want to drink anything or not if jk=="y": q={'tea':5,'coffee':7,'ice-cream':10,'cone ice-cream':20,'coke':25,'pepsi':20,'mazza':25} top = Tkinter.Tk() def hello2(): tkMessageBox.showinfo(" Menu","item\t Rs\n\ntea\t05\ncoke\t25\ncoffee\t07\npepsi\t20\nmazza\t25\nice-cream\t10\ncone ice-cream 20\n\n'Note': Please close the below window after press the ok button.") B2 = Tkinter.Button(top, text = "Press this button to see the menu", command = hello2) B2.pack() top.mainloop() list=[] print " if u enough just press 'Enter'\n" while(2): a=raw_input("Order which item u want >>>") if a=='': break; list.append(a) class Application(Frame): def say_hi(self): print "Your ordered menu is",list def createWidgets(self): self.QUIT = Button(self) self.QUIT["text"] = "QUIT" self.QUIT["fg"] = "red" self.QUIT["bg"] ="yellow" self.QUIT["command"] = self.quit self.QUIT.pack({"side": "left"}) self.hi_there = Button(self) self.hi_there["text"] = "Your ordered menu", self.hi_there["fg"] = "red" self.hi_there["bg"] ="blue" self.hi_there["command"] = self.say_hi self.hi_there.pack({"side": "left"}) def __init__(self, master=None): Frame.__init__(self, master) self.pack() self.createWidgets() root = Tk() app = Application(master=root) app.mainloop() root.destroy() b=0 print "\t\t\t/**/Individual bill is/**/\t" print"\t\t\t* * * * * * * * * * *" print("\t\t\titem\t\tprice") print"\t\t\t* * * * * * * * * * *" for i in list: for key in q: if i==key: b+=q[key] print "\t\t\t",i,"\t\t",q[i] if i not in q: print"\t\t\tThe item ",i," was not found in the menu" print"\t\t\t* * * * * * * * * * *" print "Total bill for your eating is ",s,"\n" print "Total bill of your drinking is ",b,"\n" print "Total bill of your drinking and eating is ",s+b,"\n" def gift(): if s+b>=150: box=['A.C','P.C','T.V','Refrigerator','Dining table'] random.shuffle(box) l=input("WoW !!!! Congratulations @!!@ you got a lottery Enter which index item u want(0 to 4) >>>") print "\nIn this lottery you got a",box[l],"\n We will sent this item to your home plz fill the below form \n" print"\t\t*****************************\n\t\t* The lottery box items are *\n\t\t*****************************\t\t\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",box,"\t\t\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" print"\t\t\t\t//**Lottery form**//" name=raw_input("Enter your name here(What u gave first) >>>\n--------------\n") while(n!=name): name=raw_input("Please enter What u gave first) >>>\n--------------\n") print("--------------") p_n=input("Enter your phone number here >>>\n--------------\n") print("--------------") address=raw_input("Enter your address here in this form (vill,m.d,dist) >>>\n--------------\n") print("--------------") print"Thanq,",name," we will sent the","'",box[l],"'", "to your address\n" elif s+b>=100: box=['Cricket bat','Volley ball','video game','5-books','Bag','Radio'] random.shuffle(box) l=input("WoW !!!! Congratulations @!!@ you got a lottery Enter which index item u want(0 to 5) >>>") print "\nIn this lottery you got a",box[l],"\n We will sent this item to your home plz fill the below form \n" print"\t\t*****************************\n\t\t* The lottery box items are *\n\t\t*****************************\t\t\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",box,"\t\t\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" print"\t\t\t\t//**Lottery form**//" name=raw_input("Enter your name here(What u gave first) >>>\n--------------\n") while(n!=name): name=raw_input("Please enter What u gave first) >>>\n--------------\n") print("--------------") p_n=input("Enter your phone number here >>>\n--------------\n") print("--------------") address=raw_input("Enter your address here in this form (vill,m.d,dist) >>>\n--------------\n") print("--------------") print"Thanq,",name," we will sent the","'",box[l],"'", "to your address\n" elif s+b>=50: box=['watch','camera','pen','pencil','Cricket ball','Fan','Chair'] random.shuffle(box) l=input("WoW !!!! Congratulations @!!@ you got a lottery Enter which index item u want(0 to 6) >>>") print "\nIn this lottery you got a",box[l],"\n We will sent this item to your home plz fill the below form \n" print"\t\t*****************************\n\t\t* The lottery box items are *\n\t\t*****************************\t\t\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",box,"\t\t\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" print"\t\t\t\t//**Lottery form**//" name=raw_input("Enter your name here(What u gave first) >>>\n--------------\n") while(n!=name): name=raw_input("Please enter What u gave first) >>>\n--------------\n") print("--------------") p_n=input("Enter your phone number here >>>\n--------------\n") print("--------------") address=raw_input("Enter your address here in this form (vill,m.d,dist) >>>\n--------------\n") print("--------------") print"Thanq,",name," we will sent the","'",box[l],"'", "to your address\n" pb=input("Please pay the bill......! here :") if (pb==(s+b)): print ("Thanq ....!") elif(pb>s+b): rb=pb-(s+b) print "You will get ",rb," rupees " gift() else: print "Total bill for your eating is ",s,"\n" def gift(): if s>=150: box=['A.C','P.C','T.V','Refrigerator','Dining table'] random.shuffle(box) l=input("WoW !!!! Congratulations @!!@ you got a lottery Enter which index item u want(0 to 4)") print "\nIn this lottery you got a",box[l],"\n We will sent this item to your home plz fill the below form \n" print"\t\t*****************************\n\t\t* The lottery box items are *\n\t\t*****************************\t\t\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",box,"\t\t\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" print"\t\t\t\t//**Lottery form**//" name=raw_input("Enter your name here(What u gave first) >>>\n--------------\n") while(n!=name): name=raw_input("Please enter What u gave first) >>>\n--------------\n") print("--------------") p_n=input("Enter your phone number here >>>\n--------------\n") print("--------------") address=raw_input("Enter your address here in this form (vill,m.d,dist) >>>\n--------------\n") print("--------------") print"\nThanq,",name," we will sent the","'",box[l],"'", "to your address\n" elif s>=100: box=['Cricket bat','Volley ball','video game','5-books','Bag','Radio'] random.shuffle(box) l=input("WoW !!!! Congratulations @!!@ you got a lottery Enter which index item u want(0 to 5) >>>") print "\nIn this lottery you got a",box[l],"\nWe will sent this item to your home plz fill the below form \n" print"\t\t*****************************\n\t\t* The lottery box items are *\n\t\t*****************************\t\t\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",box,"\t\t\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" print"\t\t\t\t//**Lottery form**//" name=raw_input("Enter your name here(What u gave first) >>>\n--------------\n") while(n!=name): name=raw_input("Please enter What u gave first) >>>\n--------------\n") print("--------------") p_n=input("Enter your phone number here >>>\n--------------\n") print("--------------") address=raw_input("Enter your address here in this form (vill,m.d,dist) >>>\n--------------\n") print("--------------") print"\nThanq,",name," we will sent the","'",box[l],"'", "to your address\n" elif s>=50: box=['watch','camera','pen','pencil','Cricket ball','Fan','Chair'] random.shuffle(box) l=input("WoW !!!! Congratulations @!!@ you got a lottery Enter which index item u want(0 to 6) >>>") print "\nIn this lottery you got a",box[l],"\n We will sent this item to your home plz fill the below form \n" print"\t\t*****************************\n\t\t* The lottery box items are *\n\t\t*****************************\t\t\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",box,"\t\t\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" print"\t\t\t\t//**Lottery form**//" name=raw_input("Enter your name here(What u gave first) >>>\n--------------\n") while(n!=name): name=raw_input("Please enter What u gave first) >>>\n--------------\n") print("--------------") p_n=input("Enter your phone number here >>>\n--------------\n") print("--------------") address=raw_input("Enter your address here in this form (vill,m.d,dist) >>>\n--------------\n") print("--------------") print"\nThanq,",name," we will sent the","'",box[l],"'", "to your address\n" pb=input("Please pay the bill......! here :") if (pb==s): print ("Thanq ....!") elif(pb>s): rb=pb-s print "You will get ",rb," rupees " gift() hotel() com=raw_input("If u want to write a comment on my program just press 1 :") if com=='1': class MyDialog: def __init__(self, parent): top = = Toplevel(parent) Label(top, text="Write your comment here").pack() self.e = Entry(top) self.e.pack(padx=5) b = Button(top, text="OK", command=self.ok) b.pack(pady=5) def ok(self): print "\n\tThankq..... for your comment" cr=open("Comment.txt","a") print "\n" cr.write(self.e.get()) cr.close() print "\nClose the side empty window\n" root = Tk() d = MyDialog(root) root.wait_window( re=input("R u want to run this program again press any key expect 0(don't use characters):") if (re==0): print "\t\t\tThankq..........." break