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Q: Which two religions use psalm as a part of their worship services?
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Because they are part of the 3 Abrahamic religions, which worship God, except they call him Allah.

Why is ancestor worship central to primal religion?

Ancestor worship is central to primal religions because ancestors are believed to have a connection with the living, providing guidance, protection, and blessings. Primal religions often emphasize the continuity between the living and the dead, viewing ancestors as guardians of traditions and cultural values. By honoring and respecting ancestors through rituals and offerings, primal believers seek harmony and balance in their lives.

Why do Hindus carry out worship as part of their religion?

If you are familiar with any other religion, you will know that it is an almost universal requirement of religions to worship their God or gods.

What is a responsorial Psalm?

A responsorial psalm is a psalm or chant recited in parts with a congregational response between each part.

In which Christian faith is speaking in tongues a part of worship?

The Pentecostal/ Apostolic Charismatic movement often features speaking in tongues as part of their services.

Is it wrong to play music in church?

If you mean listen to music, as opposed to the service, yes. Whether music is supposed to be part of a church service is a subjective opinion, but traditionally it has been included (either as music or singing) in most Christian religions.

Is there a sect or denomination of people who worship God but not Jesus and are not Jewish?

Most religions worship a god of some sort (except for Buddhism and Taoism) Many worship many gods (Hindus, Wiccans, native religions) Some religions have a God and a Jesus (Moslems and Rasifarians) but don't rate the Jesus part so highly. Pastafarians the Church of the Subgenius are sort of to the left of this whole issue Mormons have a different veiw of God and Jesus than most mainline Christian churches

Does Satan exist in pagan religions?

Satan is not worshiped in any Pagan religions. The only known religions in which Satan is a part are Satanism and Christianity (and its offshoots- Catholicism, Judaism, etc.). Please be very aware of this fact: Wiccans do not worship the devil, nor do Wiccans even believe in the devil.

Who introduced Christmas carols to formal church services?

Songs have been a part of Christian worship since its very beginning as a Jewish sect.

What part of the bible does the Psalm come from?

Old Testement

Do the baptist churches sing in church services?

Absolutely. Most (all?) Baptist churches have music as considered a vital part of main worship services. A few, like many Primitive Baptists, do not use musical instruments. Other Baptist churches, however, use a variety of instruments, as well as a wide variety of hymns and songs of various styles as part of their worship.

What are the 3 major religions of Africa?

According to the percentage of population, the three largest religious groups are Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. If "traditional" religions are included (such as ancestor worship etc.) then this would probably come in second on the list.