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Q: Which type of basic scientist is most likely to be employed in industry?
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Which type of basic scientist is most likely to employed in industry?


Which type of basic scientist is most likely be employed in industry?


Which type of basic scientist is most likely to be employed industry?


What do people in Canada do for work?

Canada is a very diverse economy with each region having it's own industries and cultures targeting certain industries. For example a Francophone from Quebec is very likely to be employed in the civil service, a person from a remote coastal community to be employed in the fishing industry. A person in Alberta is likely to be employed in agriculture or the oil industry, and a person in the far north or remote reserves least likely to be employed at all. As for the work itself, most of it would be in service industries but it runs the complete range from advanced nuclear testing to basic labour.

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The basic, smallest unit of life, is the cell.

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What type of scientist studies hydrogen oxygen and-other basic substances?

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What is the difference between a basic industry and a non-basic industry?

basic industry - working in the mine , jobs like this are called basic jobs , because they provide the money needed to support the local economy . non-basic industry - cooks in restaurant , jobs like this are in non-basic industry , since they do not bring new money into the local money , instead they recycle the money that is already there .

Iron and steel industry is the basic industrywhy?

Iron and steel industry is called basic industry because iron is required in making almost everything .for example vehicles, railway lines etc.

Why iron and coal called basic minerals?

iron and steel industry is a basic industry becauseit provides raw material for numerous other industries.

What were the two basic types of workers in the American industry at this time?

Common laborers and craft workers were the two basic types of workers in American Industry in the 1800s.