

Which type of cat likes to swim?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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Turkish Van if you tell what it looks like it has got 1blue eye and 1green eye and its fur is usually white! :) THEY LOVE TO SWIM Iv got 4 turkish vans and 2 bengals

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12y ago
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Q: Which type of cat likes to swim?
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well, if you ever see him, ask him. or throw a cat into a cannal and see how he likes that. (:

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some cats swim some don't Catlover999: A type of cat called the Turkish Van is able to. It doesn't have an undercoat, so it can dry quickly after swimming. The Bengal cat also likes water, but I don't think it enjoys water as much as a Turkish Van. This book I made was actually all about Turkish Vans.

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it's not the type of dog it's just if it likes water or not

Is there a cat that can swim?

the Turkish van loves to swim

What big cats like to swim?

the only big cat that likes to swim is the tiger!:)

How come a tiger can swim if it is part of the cat family and cats hate water what is the answer?

It is a myth that cats hate water. Yes, many domestic cats are afraid of water. Not all of them though. Mine loves playing in water. Tigers are not the only big cat that likes to swim. Lions have been known to enjoy a swim, and I'm sure if you search you will find others.

Which big cat is a good swimmer?

the best "big cat" swimmer is the Tiger- Bengal Tiger to be exact. lions are second, but a distant second, as they only swim if totaly necessary. leopards and cheetahs avoid the water at all costs.

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