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antipsychotic drug

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Q: Which type of drug is used to treat symptoms of severe disorders of thinking and mood?
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Related questions

What medication is used to treat symptoms of severe psychiatric disorders?

That medicine is called antipsychotic.

What drug is administered to treat symptoms of severe disorders of thinking and mood that are associates with neurological and psychiatric illness such as schizophrenia mania and delusional disorder?

anti-psychotic drug

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Arsenicum album is a useful remedy for mental disorders with symptoms of melancholy, irritation, intense anxiety, and restlessness.

What are antips?

Antipsychotics are a class of medications used to treat psychotic symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized thinking. They work by blocking certain neurotransmitters in the brain, helping to reduce symptoms of psychosis. Antipsychotics can be used to treat conditions such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and severe depression with psychotic features.

What is Neuropharmacology?

Neuro = nervous system (brain etc). Pharmacology = the drugs to treat/cure/lower symptoms of diseases. Therefore, neuropharmacology is? ....the drugs to treat brain disorders.

What are antipsychotic drugs used to treat?

Anti-psychotic drugs control the symptoms of psychosis, and in many cases are effective in controlling the symptoms of other disorders that may lead to psychosis

Is it normal to have really bad headaches when you have fluid on the brain?

Increased cerebral spinal fluid pressure can cause severe symptoms including headache. For a diagnosis, a doctor needs to be consulted. Preferably a headache specialist who is best able to diagnose, treat and manage headache disorders.

How do you treat symptoms of inhaling bleach?

DON'T DO IT. == Call a poison center or go to the emergency room. The lung damage could be severe.

What is the process of Librium to treat anxiety?

Librium is the brand name of the prescription drug chlordiazepoxide, which is used to treat anxiety disorders and withdrawal symptoms associated with alcoholism. The medicine is sometimes used in patients to reduce anxiety before a surgical procedure. It's also used to treat symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

Is there a cure for personality disorders or do you just manage the symptoms?

Personality disorders as well as other mental health problems are diseases of the brain resulting from hormones and brain chemistries that are out of alignment. There are medications that can treat the symptoms and cure the side effects of these disorders but there is no cure. With good therapy and medical intervention individuals with personality disorders can learn to manage their disease so that it does not cause them problems in their every day life but they will never be cured.

Is a lobectomy done for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?

Although surgery is rarely used to treat COPD, it may be considered for people who have severe symptoms